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时间:2018-12-25 11:11:11   作者:雅轩_a01   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:2017   评论:0
内容摘要: 北宋官瓷在我国琳琅满目的瓷器世界中,可谓独具禀赋,充盈着皇室高贵典雅的艺术神韵和光彩,称得上是大师巨匠精湛技艺和宋徽宗杰出艺术才华合璧的典范。粉青釉是瓷器釉色名。略带乳浊性的一种青釉。龙泉窑首创,宋官窑和以后的景德镇窑均有成功作品。粉青釉,,釉色青绿淡雅,釉面光泽柔和,达......



    Official ceramics of the Northern Song Dynasty are unique in our country's colorful world of ceramics. They are full of the noble and elegant artistic charm and glory of the Royal family. They can be regarded as a model of the combination of Masters'exquisite skills and the outstanding artistic talents of Huizong of the Song Dynasty. Pink-blue glaze is the name of glaze color of porcelain. A slightly opaque blue glaze. Longquan kiln was the first kiln in Song Dynasty and Jingdezhen kiln in the future. Pink blue glaze glaze green and elegant soft glaze luster to achieve the effect of jade-like green glaze is one of the best tones. It belongs to a kind of lime-alkali glaze with iron oxide as the main colouring agent and a small amount of manganese and titanium. In the Southern Song Dynasty many porcelain kilns fired pink-blue glaze and the official kilns under the suburban altar also fired pink-blue imitation of Longquan kiln. The pink-blue glaze fired by Jingdezhen kiln in the Ming and Qing Dynasties contained trace cobalt elements besides iron thus showing a light blue color in shallow lake green. Very precious. This collection is washed with Pisces chrysanthemum petals of Songguan kiln powder and blue glaze. It is open folded and circled. Two swimming fish were sculpted and pasted inside the heart and the outer wall was engraved with chrysanthemum petals for a week. The glaze is green the fish pattern is clear the glaze is bright lustrous and rich rich as jade and the glaze is pink green. It is a typical work of Longquan Kiln in Southern Song Dynasty. It has great collection value.




