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时间:2020-07-24 14:26:30   作者:郑古文藏   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:558   评论:0
内容摘要: 这对元青花鬼谷子纹象耳瓶,青花纹饰共分四层,第一层颈部:饰水波纹;第二层肩部:饰缠枝牡丹;第三层腹部:为“鬼谷子下山”主题纹饰;第四层下部:为变形莲瓣纹内绘琛宝,俗称“八大码”。主题画面描述了孙膑的师傅鬼谷子在齐国使节苏代的再三请求下,答应下山搭救被燕国陷阵的齐国名将孙膑和独孤......

This pair of Yuan Dynasty blue and white Guiguzi pattern ear bottles are divided into four layers: the first layer of neck: decorated with water ripple; the second layer of shoulder: decorated with twining branches of peony; the third layer of abdomen: the theme of "Guiguzi going down the mountain"; the lower part of the fourth layer: the deformed lotus petal pattern with Chen Bao commonly known as "Bada". The theme picture depicts the story of Guiguzi Sun Bin's master who promised to go down the mountain to rescue Sun Bin and Dugu Chen famous generals of the state of Yan at the repeated requests of the envoys of the state of Qi. Guiguzi was sitting in the cart pulled by a tiger and a leopard leaning forward slightly with an air of self-respect and transcendence like an immortal which showed that he was plotting strategies and winning a decisive victory thousands of miles away. Two pawns in front of the chariot opened the road with spears in their hands. A young general was valiant and vigorous. He walked with his horse holding a flag in his hand and wrote the word "ghost Valley" on it which was behind the horse riding Hall of the Soviet Dynasty. A group of people and trees and rocks constitute a spectacular and beautiful landscape figure painting. The whole blue and white patterns are colorful the picture is full and dense and the primary and secondary are clear and integrated. The depiction of the characters is smooth and natural the charm is full of charm the mountains and stones are deeply dyed and the strokes are exquisite and perfect. As Mr. Sun Yingzhou said "the porcelain of Yuan Dynasty is very exquisite.".




