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时间:2018-07-01 15:16:56   作者:鼎盛文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:75091   评论:0

咸丰重宝 咸丰重宝

咸丰重宝当前钱币流传下来的不多,存世的十分稀少,所以该钱币是十分珍贵.咸丰重宝当十五钱虽然是咸丰大钱中计值较低的品种。但是由于铸造时间早,流通区域广,所以也是自古以来古泉爱好者最关心并致力于收藏和欣赏的计值钱币。在诸多咸丰大钱之中,应当推举咸丰重宝当十五钱币为最。铸期最长、数量最大、版式最多、流通最广,无一不在咸丰大钱中占据首位。但是由于咸丰重宝当十五钱币流传下来的不多,存世的十分稀少,所以该钱币是十分珍贵. 此枚咸丰重宝当五十钱币十分精美,字迹清晰深俊,铜材优良,钱文精美,正面铸“咸丰重宝”楷体四字自上而下,从右到左直读;背面书汉文“当五十”及满文。此钱币十分精美,字迹清晰深俊,铜材优良,呈浅红*,钱文精美,没一丝一毫拖泥带水,具有较高收藏价值和投资价值。

Xianfeng heavy treasure is very rare and rare so it is very rare so the coin is very precious. Xianfeng heavy treasure is fifteen although it is the low value of the variety. However due to the early casting time and wide circulation area it is also the most valued and valued coin of ancient springs lovers since ancient times. In many large quantities of Xianfeng we should recommend Xianbao's treasure as the fifteen coin. The longest casting period the largest number the largest format and the most extensive circulation all occupy the first place in Xianfeng's big money. However because the fifteen treasures of Xianfeng were handed down very little they were rare so the coins were very valuable.
The fifty coin is very beautiful the handwriting is clear and deep and handsome the copper is fine the money is fine the front is cast "Xianfeng heavy treasure" four words from the top to the bottom from right to left reading; the back book Chinese "when fifty" and Manchu. The coin is very beautiful the handwriting is clear and deep and handsome the copper is fine it is light red and yellow the money is exquisite and it is not a single piece of muddy and muddy water. It has high collection value and investment value.




