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时间:2017-09-19 11:14:19   作者:中华民国三年袁大头    来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:5992   评论:0
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     中华民国三年袁大头        此藏品为江苏姚先生所藏有 
        原中国钱币博物馆副馆长、中国钱币学会副秘书长姚朔民指出:“民国三年(1914年),北洋军阀政府正式铸造袁世凯头像银币,因币上铸有袁世凯侧身头像,故民间俗称‘袁大头’。‘袁大头’银币共有四种面值:壹圆、中圆(五角)、贰角、壹角,其中最常见的为壹圆‘袁大头’,所以俗称的‘袁大头’主要指壹圆袁世凯头像银币。综合这几年藏友对袁大头了解,银元存世量少备受藏友青睐,藏友们对银币的青睐主要归因于以下三点:一是制作精美,观赏性强;二是品种纷繁,选择余地大;三是历史时间短,容易入手,再加上制作量少,而清末以后战乱频频,使银币的损耗极大,这三点对于收藏者来说,就具备了长期投资的可能性,具有很高的收藏价值!             此类似藏品           2015年在北京保利拍卖公司,秋季拍卖会(7.17—18),杂项专场拍卖会,一枚开国纪念币,起拍价70万,经过数轮竞价,最终以160万圆满落槌,掀起了藏家的收藏热潮

Republic of China three years Yuan Datou this collection under Jiangsu Yao
In the three year of the Republic of China, there were many different versions of Yuan Shikai silver coins. The designs were basically the same in the front, but there were some differences in the design and some details of the back. After the revolution of 1911, Yuan Shikai became president of the provisional president and became president. Yuan Datou is one of the major currency in the Republic of China. "Yuan Datou" is commonly used as the colloquial word for Yuan Shikai's series coins. It is called "Yuan Shikai" like Jiahe coins". Generation of the national currency is called the dragon, with silver coins for, mainly gold, silver, Qing Guangxu Xuantong gold, in three years version positive for the profile of Yuan Shikai, the "Republic of China for three years". "Year" after the word, there is no "made" word, and other years are in the "year" word, there is a "made" word. In the three edition of "people", there is a "point", while other people have no "point"". Casting less version: "O" version, version, version, thick triangular circular openings, and casting "Gansu Bay edition" word version, binary version, back mustachioed version, version of big ears.
The former deputy director, deputy secretary general Chinese China Numismatic Museum Numismatic Society Yao Shuomin said: "in three years (1914), the Northern Warlords government official Yuan Shikai head casting silver coins cast by Yuan Shikai sideways head, so people called" Yuan Datou ". "Yuan Datou" coin a total of four denominations: one round, round (five corners), two horn, one horn, one of the most common one round of "Yuan Datou", so called "Yuan Datou" mainly refers to a picture of Yuan Shikai silver circle. In recent years the friends of Tibet to Yuan Datou, silver surviving less highly favored friends of Tibet, the Tibetan faithful to the favor of silver is mainly attributed to the following three points: one is exquisite, highly ornamental; two is the numerous varieties of choice; the three is the historical time is short, easy to start, plus the production quantity is little, after the Qing Dynasty and frequent wars, to coin a great loss, the three points for collectors, has the possibility of long-term investment, has very high collection value! The collection of 2015 in Beijing poly auction companies, autumn auction (7.17 - 18), miscellaneous special auction, a founding commemorative coins, the starting price of 700 thousand, after several rounds of bidding, the final 1 million 600 thousand to complete the hammer, set off the upsurge of collectors

中華民国三年袁大头 このコレクションを江蘇姚さんが所有




