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时间:2017-11-20 11:33:19   作者:鸣熙文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:4283   评论:0
内容摘要:民国三年(1914年)二月国民政府财政部公布《中华民国国币条例》,整顿统一币制,规定民国三年袁头像银币一元为本位币。重七钱二分,成色银九铜一(后改为89%),统一流通。由天津造币厂开铸。后南京 、广东 、武昌 、甘肃造币分厂陆续开铸,币值有一元 、半元 、二角、一角等面值。有签字 、无签字版,边齿为185 、170道直线。
民国三年(1914年)二月国民政府财政部公布《中华民国国币条例》,整顿统一币制,规定民国三年袁头像银币一元为本位币。重七钱二分,成色银九铜一(后改为89%),统一流通。由天津造币厂开铸。后南京 、广东 、武昌 、甘肃造币分厂陆续开铸,币值有一元 、半元 、二角、一角等面值。有签字 、无签字版,边齿为185 、170道直线。纪年有三年 、八年 、九年、十年四种,细微差异颇多,成色参差不齐。本品为民国三年(1914年)兰州造币厂铸,此系甘肃“袁大头”最初铸品,花文较粗,成色甚劣,铸不多。原中国钱币博物馆副馆长、中国钱币学会副秘书长姚朔民指出:“民国三年(1914年),北洋军阀政府正式铸造袁世凯头像银币,因币上铸有袁世凯侧身头像,故民间俗称‘袁大头’。‘袁大头’银币共有四种面值:壹圆、中圆(五角)、贰角、壹角,其中最常见的为壹圆‘袁大头’,所以俗称的‘袁大头’主要指壹圆袁世凯头像银币。‘袁大头’由天津造币厂首先开铸,其后南京、广东、武昌、甘肃等地的造币分厂陆续铸造,由于其银两分量足、信誉好,成为民国时期乃至往后更长时间中国各地大量使用的通行货币。”
  同时,“袁大头”由于铸地多、铸量大,也出现了许多版别。有趣的是尽管版别不同,但“袁大头”壹圆币的标准重量都为七钱二分,以今天的计量方法是26.697克,成色97%-98%,含纯银23.493克。如果按年号“袁大头”分为民国三年、八年、九年、十年版等,均为普通版,。其中,民国八年版为英国伯翰造币厂所制钢模铸造,品相精美,具有很高的收藏价值,尤其是民国八年版的缺口“造”(银币上的“造”字的“口”缺一横)“袁大头”最值得收藏。另外,从铸造工艺及齿边纹饰来看,“袁大头”还可以分为这些版别:鹰洋齿边版、丁字齿边版、英文签字版、“甘肃”铭文版等、市面也出现含银成分偏低的民间私铸币。Yao Shuomin, deputy director of the former China Coin Museum and Deputy Secretary General of the China Coin Society, pointed out: "three years of the Republic of China (1914), the Northern Warlords Government officially cast Yuan Shikai head silver coins, because the coin was cast Yuan Shikai sideways head, so the folk commonly known as' Yuan Datou'. 'Yuan Datou' silver coin has four denominations: one circle, middle circle (five corners), two corners, one corner, among which the most common one is round 'Yuan Datou', so commonly called 'Yuan Datou' mainly refers to a round Yuan Shikai head silver coin. "Big head" by Tianjin Mint first open cast, followed by Nanjing, Guangdong, Wuchang, Gansu and other places of the mint factory gradually casting, because of its silver full weight and good reputation, has become even longer period of the Republic of China back the currency used China around."At the same time, "Yuan Datou" as cast, cast a large quantity, there are many types of. It is interesting though different, but the "standard weight Yuan Datou" one coin has two seven money, to measure today is 26.697 grams, fineness of 97%-98%, containing 23.493 grams of silver. If you press the title "Yuan Datou" is divided into in three years, eight years, nine years, ten years version, are common version,. Among them, the eight year edition of the Republic of China was made by the British Burnham mint, which was exquisite and had high collection value, especially the gap of the eight year edition of the Republic of china. In addition, the casting process and the tooth edge decoration of view, "Yuan Datou" can also be divided into these types: Bald Eagle tooth edge version, T-shaped tooth edge version, edition, English signed the "Gansu" version, the market also appeared in the inscriptions of silver containing components of low private coinage.元中国货幣博物館副館長、中国货幣学会副秘書長は、「姚朔民民国三年(1914年)、北洋軍閥政府公式鋳造袁世凱アバター銀貨、貨幣鋳造で上が袁世凱をアバター、故民間俗称の“袁大头。「袁大头」銀貨共有四種の額面:壱円、中円(5角)、弐角、壱角、その中の最もよくあるを壱円「袁大头」だから、俗称の“袁大头」主に壱円袁世凱アバターの銀貨。「袁大头」は天津造幣局まず開鋳造、その後南京、広東、武昌、甘粛省などの造幣続々と鋳造工場、その金目方が、信用は良い、民国の時期に、これからもっと長い時間中国各地を大量に使用の通行通貨。」



