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时间:2017-11-25 16:06:31   作者:鸣熙文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:19083   评论:0
民国三年(1914年)二月国民政府财政部公布《中华民国国币条例》,整顿统一币制,规定民国三年袁头像银币一元为本位币。重七钱二分,成色银九铜一(后改为89%),统一流通。由天津造币厂开铸。后南京 、广东 、武昌 、甘肃造币分厂陆续开铸,币值有一元 、半元 、二角、一角等面值。有签字 、无签字版,边齿为185 、170道直线。纪年有三年 、八年 、九年、十年四种,细微差异颇多,成色参差不齐。本品为民国三年(1914年)兰州造币厂铸,此系甘肃“袁大头”最初铸品,花文较粗,成色甚劣,铸不多。In the three years of the Republic of China, the Yuan Shikai silver coin has many different versions, and the patterns in the front are basically the same, but there are some differences in the patterns and some details on the back. After the revolution of 1911, Yuan Shikai assumed the position of "provisional president", and then became the official president.
At that time, in order to consolidate the domestic political stability, the development of national economy, but also to prepare for the "constitution" and "emperor", and released "national currency regulations", decided to "unification of the currency in the country".
In three years (1914) National Government in February, the Ministry of Finance announced the "Republic of China national currency regulations" provisions, rectify the unification of the currency, in three years, the head of silver one yuan currency. It weighs seven cents, two cents, silver nine copper one (later changed to 89%), unified circulation. Opened by the Tianjin mint. After Nanjing, Guangdong, Wuchang, Gansu Mint opened in succession, the value of one yuan, half yuan, two corners, one corner and other denominations. There are signed, no signed version, side teeth are 185, 170 straight line. There are four kinds of chronology, three years, eight years, nine years and ten years. This product is in three years (1914) Lanzhou Mint cast, the Department of Gansu silver original cast products, the flowers are thick, color was very poor, not cast.民国の三年鋳造の袁世凱銀貨多くの異なるバージョンの、正面の絵柄は基本的に同じですが、背面のデザインといくつかの詳細については違う。辛亥革命以降、袁世凱就任「臨時大統領」の職に、後は正大統領。



