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时间:2017-12-12 18:05:01   作者:云南省造光绪元宝   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:3128   评论:0
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云南省造光绪元宝库平三钱六分   此藏品为张先生所收藏
此枚钱币虽然经历了岁月的洗礼和历史的沉淀,但如今依然保存较好,且藏品正面铸有铭文,顶部铸楷体“云南省造”四字,底部铸货币价值:“库平三钱六分”,中心直读“光绪元宝”四字,币中心为满文“光绪元宝”,外圈两侧各有六点花星装饰。钱背:正中蟠龙图,左右各一六点花星。蟠龙眼神灵异炯炯有神;龙鳞雕刻细密有致,腾云驾雾,身姿遒劲有力;龙爪张扬,神武有力;龙身盘踞太阳,尽展皇家威严大气。此蟠龙图 是中国所有龙洋图案银元(包括国外发行的所有银币)中,工艺最精湛,雕工最完美,浮雕感最强烈的品种,镜面平整光滑,纹饰的相惯线,显得非常清晰。此枚钱币背面看上去就仿佛是一幅画卷,美到极致。钱币的版面设计优雅,而且存世量极为稀少,是收藏界精品,知名度极大的一种,具有无法估量的学术与历史价值。另重要一点,其不仅通过本平台专家组老师评估审核,而且还通过权威机构国博鉴定过,为到代真品,故更显珍贵! 


光绪元宝是近代中国钱币中的精品,有着历史熏陶,是价值很高的革命文物,具有深远的历史纪念意义;同时,还是考古和研究中国历史文化难得的实物。珍贵的光绪元宝钱币记载着清朝惊天动地的历史,由于历经百年风雨,存世量极为稀少,尤其是品相好的更为稀缺,因此很受收藏爱好者青睐   近几年来,古钱币的市场行情独领风骚,与珍奇造型的艺术品相比,仍然受到钱币爱好者们的极力追捧。同时,随着各地拍场古钱币的交易场次变得越来越多,我们可以预见,古钱币在藏品市场中的位置,开始变得更为重要和愈加珍贵。

Although this coin has experienced years of baptism and the history of precipitation, but are still well preserved, and the collection of positive cast inscriptions, "Yunnan province made the top cast in italics" four characters, the bottom cast monetary value: "three flat library six", "reading center Kuang Hsu yuan" four words, money center of Manchu "the gold", the outer ring on both sides of each six point star flower decoration. Money back: the median figure around the 16 dragons, flowers. The bright eyes Panlong Dragon carving; fine by clouds, powerful posture; Talon publicity, Shenwu powerful dragons; their royal majesty entrenched in the sun, the atmosphere. This figure is all long Yang Panlong Chinese pattern of silver (including all silver coins issued abroad), the most sophisticated technology, the most perfect sense of relief carving, the most intense variety, mirror smooth, phase inertial line pattern is very clear. The back of the coin looked as if it were a painting, beautiful to the extreme. The layout design of the elegant and the amount of surviving coins, rare collectors boutique, a great reputation, has the academic and historical value immeasurable. Another important point is that it is not only evaluated by the expert group teachers, but also authenticated by authoritative institutions.

As everyone knows, the ancient coins are an important part of the history, the specific time, it not only represents Chinese currency culture in every historical era of the vicissitudes of life evolution, also reflects the prosperity and the rise and fall of history, politics, economy of our country, from this aspect, it has the very high art the ornamental value and the value of cultural criticism. On the other hand, the use of precious metal or silver coins made itself has extraordinary value and noble, non renewable, pattern carved, delicate writing is extremely powerful, thought-provoking, glittering, intact appearance of coins has certain value and appreciation space, so the value of art collection is cannot estimate.

Guangxu Yuanbao is the quality of modern Chinese coins. It has a historical edification, and is a valuable revolutionary cultural relic. It has far-reaching historic significance. It is also a rare object of Archaeology and research of Chinese history and culture. Precious gold coin is a record of the Qing Dynasty in the shaking heaven and earth after one hundred years of history, because of, are extremely rare, especially a good friend is more scarce, so popular with collectors favor in recent years, the ancient coins of market dominance, compared with other exotic art lovers still have money highly sought after. At the same time, with the increasing number of ancient coins trading sites around the country, we can predict that the location of ancient coins in the collection market is becoming more and more important and valuable







