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时间:2017-12-18 08:45:14   作者:鸣熙文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:9473   评论:0
咸丰钱的品类很繁杂,仅中国历史博物馆珍藏达917种。当时的铸局有:泉、源、直、蓟、福、陕、昌、河、德、晋、云、东、武、桂、浙、济、台、苏、巩、川、黔、南、广、伊犁、迪化、叶尔羌、库车、阿克苏等。传世以雕母、大样、小平钱、宝福局计值、计重钱少见,新疆宝迪局“当八十”为珍。咸丰当十钱币的铸造局很多,据载泉,源,直,蓟,德,河,济,晋,陕,巩,苏,安,浙,昌,福,武,南,桂,川,云,东,黔,迪,伊,阿克苏,叶尔羌,库车等钱局均有铸造,这在咸丰各种大钱里也算最完全的系列了,当然其中各局的铸造数量悬殊很大,稀少者很难看到且价格很高,普通者虽然目前还经常有售价格也已见涨幅但数量却也日见减少,偶尔有漏儿,多是泉友之间互易余缺之举。咸丰当十以其诸多特色吸引着古钱币爱好者,甚至于不懂古钱币的“圈外人士”,都是因其具有其它钱币的不可比拟的魅力所致。由于咸丰当十钱币属于大型古钱币,而且多局、多版、多字体、多纹记、多材质等,不仅是初学者的宠爱,也是专家研究的对象,还是一般人把玩的掌中物呢。魅力所在,听笔者一一道来。咸丰年间正值太平天国革命运动的高潮时期。此时民怨沸腾,清政府财政拮据,国库亏空.在钱币铸造上大做文章,将财政危机转嫁到老百姓身上。相继铸造“咸丰通宝”、“咸丰重宝”、“咸丰元宝”等种类繁多的钱币.咸丰元年首铸“咸丰通宝”制钱。由于太平天国革命运动的发生,和鸦片战争的爆发.钱局铸造制钱已很难正常进行,很多省的钱局实际上处于停铸状态,即使开铸,也是偷工减料 。因而造成咸丰通宝制钱精品少 ,而粗制滥造的多,大都质劣而轻小,或以铁钱、铅钱代替铜钱。咸丰元年时,规定钱重一钱二分,到咸丰二年,变为一钱,但各铸行所铸造的制钱大多轻于规定重量。“咸丰通宝”面文大多书写楷书,背文满文局名有:宝源、宝泉、宝河、宝德、宝东、宝伊、宝济、宝晋、宝陕、宝巩、宝苏、宝浙、宝昌、宝福、宝台、宝武、宝南、宝广、宝桂、宝川、宝云 阿克苏、宝黔等二十四个钱局。其中宝台、宝德、宝广、阿克苏等局数量极少Casting material Xianfeng treasures are brass, also appeared in the money and other material iron coins. Another kind of gold and silver, hawksbill, cupronickel materials refined court money, money also form a larger, thicker, is the Royal Festival of money, this coin casting amount is very small, the quality is excellent, the price is far from the brass and iron can be made of money. The official edition is made of copper 75%, zinc 20%, tin 3% and other coordination, and the mother money contains higher purity of copper. When the fifty meter higher than the value called "Xianfeng gold", which is different from Xiaoping money "Xianfeng reign".  Xianfeng treasures when ten Xianfeng although money is money trapped with low value species, but because of the casting time, circulation area is wide, so since ancient times is the ancient spring enthusiasts are most concerned about and dedicated to the collection and appreciation of the value of money. A lot of money in Xianfeng, we should choose Xianfeng treasures when ten coins for the most. As the longest, largest and most, the most widely circulated format, no one does not occupy the first place in a lot of money in xianfeng. Since three years Xianfeng, Baoquan sources, straight, thistle, economic, moral, Shaanxi, Gong Fu, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, river, cloud, and Wu, Baochang Sichuan, Guangxi, Guizhou, (Baoan), Akesu, Kashi, Yi Di, Ye Erqiang, Kuche Bureau of money are successively Xianfeng when casting ten a lot of money, and put into market and circulation of money and Xiaoping. In addition to the Baoan Bureau of the Ministry of money only like money, other money bureau have a large number of different forms, different types, and different materials, different size when the ten meter value ".
When the ten treasures of Qing Baoquan bureau "treasure" version of a copper iron fan, the diameter of 39mm is rare, very beautiful; genuine boutique Museum in [1]
Xianfeng money category is very complicated, only Chinese History Museum 917. At that time, there were foundry Bureaus: Quan, yuan, Zhi, Ji, Fu, Shan, Chang, he, he, Jin, Yun, Dong, Wu, GUI, Zhe, Ji, Tai, Su, Gong, Chuan, Qian, Nan, Guang, Yili, di Hua, Ye Erqiang, Kuche, Akesu and so on. In Diaomu, like Xiaoping, handed down the money, investors value and weight of money Bureau rare Xinjiang Baodi bureau "when eighty" for jane. When the ten coin casting Bureau Xianfeng, according to the source, load spring, straight, thistle, Germany, river, Ji, Jin, Shan, Gong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, ANN, Chang, Fu, Wu, South Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, cloud, East, Iraq, Akesu, Di, Elchaung, Kuche the money Bureau has cast in all the money in the Xianfeng is the most complete series, of course, including the number of the members of the cast great disparity, it is difficult to see the rare and the price is very high, the ordinary people although there is often the sale price is also increase but the number is also more reduced, and occasional leakage that is Quanyou reciprocity between surplus and move. Xianfeng when ten of its many features that attract numismatics enthusiasts, and even do not understand the ancient coins "laymen", is because it has other coins of the incomparable charm by. Because when ten Xianfeng coins are large ancient coins, and the Bureau, multi version, font, tattoo, multi material, not only is a beginner's favor, also experts, or people with palm. Listen to the charm, the author yiyidaolai. During the climax of Xianfeng years coincided with the Taiping revolution. The Qing government financial constraints, The people are boiling with resentment., Treasury deficit. In the coin casting make a fuss, shifted the financial crisis to the ordinary people. Have cast "Xianfeng reign," Xianfeng treasures "," Xianfeng ingot and many kinds of coins. The first cast "Xianfeng Xianfeng reign coins. Because of the revolutionary movement of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and the outbreak of the Opium War. Money Bureau casting cash has been difficult to normal, a lot of money in the province bureau actually stop casting state, even if the open cast, and jerry. Which caused the Xianfeng reign coins quality, and the most inferior crudely made, small and light, or with iron money, lead money instead of coins. The first year of Xianfeng, the provisions of money money Z two, Xianfeng two years, turned into a money, but the cast cast light on the weight provided by the most money. "Xianfeng reign" are mostly written script, the Bureau has back Manchu: Schroder, Baoquan, Po River, Baode, Bao Dong, Yi Bao, Bao Ji, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Bao Bao Bao Gong Bao Bao, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Taiwan, Bao Baochang, Fu Bao Bao Wu Bao Nan Bao Bao, wide, Guangxi, Sichuan, Akesu, Bao Yun Bao Bao Qian twenty-four money bureau. The number of baostai, Baoshan, Bao Guang and Akesu is very small咸豊重宝の鋳造材料は主に真鍮、もあった鉄金など他の材質の貨幣。別の1種で、金、銀、鼈甲白銅などの材料を精製の宮廷貨幣があり、大きく、钱体も厚く、ロイヤルお祝い金は、この貨幣鋳造量が非常に少ない、品質に優れ、価格は生まれ黄銅、鉄よりお金が所。官版の材質は銅の75 %、亜鉛の20 %、錫の3 %及びその他の配合、雌の金は銅の純度の更に高い。上記の50計画値が「咸豊元宝」を区別于小平金「咸豊通宝」。咸豊重宝が十銭は大金咸豊・値の低い品種が、鋳造時間が早くて、流通区域が広いので、古来最も関心古泉もファンに努め収蔵と鑑賞の計画値貨幣。多くの咸豊大金では、重宝推挙咸豊が十貨幣を最も。鋳期間は最長で、数量の最大、版式最多、流通がない、咸豊大金で首位。自咸豊三年から、宝泉、源、直、薊、済、ドイツ、陝西、コン、福、江蘇、浙江、川、武、宝昌、雲、川、桂、貴州、(宝安)迪、伊・アクス、カシュガル、叶儿羌、クチャなど金局は鋳造咸豊が前後して十大金投入市場と小平お金を同時に流通。お金は宝安局めったにない衛生部のようにお金のほか、その他の各お金が大量によって版别局、違う形、材質は違っても、異なるサイズのが値重宝十計。




