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时间:2018-03-12 11:29:48   作者: 宣统三年大清银币签字版   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:7334   评论:0
大清银币长须龙直径39毫米,厚2.1毫米,重26.7克,直齿边。该币正面珠圈内为汉文“大清银币”四字,珠圈外上下为满、汉文“宣统三年” 字样,左右两侧分列长枝菊花纹饰。背面“壹圆”二字坐中,外围是巨龙腾空,自上至左向右环绕一周,七根尾须向上,龙头置上,两根长须下垂,鼻梁突起,两眼炯炯有神,龙纹精细,火球在下,下方边缘是英文“壹圆”。
The silver dragon long diameter of 39 mm, 2.1 mm thick, weighs 26.7 grams, straight tooth edge. The positive circle for Chinese currency beads "in silver" four words, the next full circle bead, Chinese "Xuantong three years", both sides are long chrysanthemum decoration. On the back of "one circle" two characters sitting in the periphery is dragon vacated, from left to right to surround a week, seven either upward, leading the two long, drooping, nose protrusion, beautiful eyes, fine dragon, fireball in the next, the lower edge is English "one yuan".
"In the three year of the Qing Xuantong silver one circle" is one of the ten great reputation in modern goods currency mechanism Chinese, "Xuantong three years of Qing Dynasty silver one circle" are famous for his historical and rare decision. This rose coin layout design elegant, sophisticated carving, and are extremely rare, is the world famous great collection of coins, a coin, known as fine, with academic and historical value immeasurable.
清銀貨長須竜直径39 mm、厚さ2 . 1 mm、重さが含まれグラム、直歯ながら。同幣正面珠圏を漢文の「大清銀貨」の4字、珠圏外に漢文を満、「宣統三年」と書かれ、左右両側長枝菊紋分列。裏「壱円」の二文字に座って、週りは巨竜フライは、右から左に囲まれて一週間、7本尾角に、蛇口置に、二本の長いひげが垂れて、鼻筋突起は、目がきらきらと輝いている、龙纹罰金、火の玉が下にいて、下縁は英語の「壱円」。
This coin is Qing Xuantong three years in the collection, the collection of rare treasures collection Jiapin has the collection value and investment value, in the three year of the Qing Xuantong huge silver, Beijing in 2013, the auction companies in the spring auction, a gold coin, from the starting price of 320 thousand, after the number of bidding, and ultimately to 1 million 600 thousand a hammer, Yuan ancient coins, set off another round of upsurge.



