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时间:2018-03-22 17:35:41   作者:袁大头十年   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:14152   评论:0
袁大头十年  此藏品为天津 许先生所收藏
历史上,辛亥革命爆发后,北洋新军创始人袁世凯窃取了革命果实,成为中华人民共和国的总统,随后又进行复辟帝制的活动。在其就位期间,为了加强自己的统治地位,稳定国内时局,同时发展民族经济,便开始将全国的货币进行了一番统一的改造,变革成今天我们所提到的袁大头银币。然而,袁世凯仅仅称帝83天就被迫宣告退位,在这种情况下,袁大头货币也因发行量少,使用时间短而成为中国历史上存世量非常稀少的珍贵钱币。   该钱币的正面铸有袁世凯的侧身头像,顶部刻制着“中华民国十年造”几个清晰而又显眼的楷体字体,足以说明钱币产生的年代以及当时国家的统治阶层。反面的图案则是一对对称的弯曲麦芒,中间刻有“壹圆”两个字作为计量单位。币面整体设计和谐,图案精美,工艺技术特别精益求精。目前,国内发现的刻制有“中华民国十年造”的袁大头钱币不超过十枚,虽然经历了几百年的风雨洗礼,该钱币依然闪烁出银色的光泽,实在是今天的艺术品市场中珍宝。此藏品具有很高的收藏价值及投资价值,欢迎来电咨询。
In the history, after the revolution of 1911, yuan shikai, the founder of the northern new army, stole the fruits of the revolution and became the President of the People's Republic of China, and then the restoration of the monarchy. During the emplacement, in order to strengthen their dominance, stable domestic situation, the development of national economy at the same time, started the country had a unified currency reform, change into a big silver yuan today we mentioned. Yuan shih-kai proclaimed himself only 83 days, however, was forced to declare the abdication, in this case, the big yuan currency also for circulation, less use of short time and become China's history, only a very few precious COINS.   Side of the coin was yuan shikai to the positive image, at the top of print the "made in the ten years of the republic of China" a few clear and conspicuous regular script font, suggesting a coin of s, and when the country's ruling class. The reverse pattern is a pair of symmetrical curved wheat, with the word "one circle" in the middle as the unit of measurement. The currency overall design is harmonious, the design is exquisite, the craft technology is specially refined. At present, the domestic found nanowires with "made in the ten years of the republic of China" the big money not more than ten yuan, although experienced hundreds of years of wind and rain baptism, flashing silver sheen, the money still is in today's art market. This collection has a high collection value and investment value, welcome to inquire.




