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时间:2018-05-19 19:25:08   作者:中华民国双旗币35   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:125178   评论:0
双旗币  此藏品为浙江湖州  王先生所收藏  价格可商议 如需咨询请联系客服
1911年辛亥革命胜利后,清帝退位,中华民国成立。中国民主主义革命的先驱者孙中山就任中华民国临时大总统,并在颁布的“临时大总统令”中提出要“另刊新模,鼓铸纪念币”,随后武昌和南京两处造币厂率先铸行了 “中华民国开国纪念币”铜元辅币,以十文面值的为主,在全国大量发行以取代清朝铜元。这就是“中华民国开国纪念币” 铜元的由来。 无庸置疑,这种铜元的币名很明确,就是“中华民国开国纪念币”。根据钱币收藏界的一般共识,对一种钱币,应该把可以明确币名或显示钱币最主要特征的一面称为“面”,而把其相对的另一面称为“背”,据此我们应该把此币最能区别于前朝铜元并具有鲜明的划时代革命和进步意义的有“中华民国开国纪念币”(以下简称开国纪念币)字样的一面称为面,而把其对应记值的另一面称为背。
After the victory of 1911 revolution emperor qing abdicated and the republic of China was founded. China's democratic revolution pioneer sun yat-sen as the provisional President of the republic of China and put forward in the issued "interim executive order" to "the issue of the new mould drum casting COINS" then the wuchang and nanjing mint in two places first casting line "the founding of the republic of China COINS" copper coin COINS give priority to with the face value of 10 issue instead of the qing dynasty copper coin in the country. This is the origin of "the founding coin of the republic of China". There is no doubt that the name of this coin is very clear which is "the founding of the republic of China". According to the general consensus of coin collectors a coin should have clear currency displays the money or the name of the main characteristics of a known as the "face" and call its relative to the other side of the "back" accordingly we should put the COINS can differ from most power copper coin and with distinct epochal revolution and the progressive significance of "the founding of the republic of China COINS" (hereinafter referred to as the founding COINS) on one side is called the surface and write the corresponding values of the other side called back.
In the middle of the republic of China tongyuan mainly refers to the year of the republic of China (1919) to 2004 (1935). During this period the chaos of the domestic copper currency reached its peak. Regional division of the copper land circulation is obviously regional circulate on the market not only has all kinds of copper coin in the qing dynasty the republic of China all kinds of copper coin individual regions also circulation large amount of copper coin as most of sichuan hubei henan local circulation fifty to two hundred the large amount of copper coin the revolutionary base areas and the leadership of the communist party issued a copper coin puppet army regime is also released copper coin in areas they control. Therefore the copper in this period is very diverse and extremely chaotic. In the 100th anniversary of the xinhai revolution driven by recent red collect heating up again in particular has always been highly sensitive to major historical events of gold and silver COINS collection market short-term market also conveniently. The copper COINS of the late qing dynasty and the early republic of China have a deep collection in the coinage.



