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时间:2018-06-24 12:04:51   作者:御隆文化art   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:41539   评论:0


光绪三十三年(1907年)新任东三省总督徐世昌到任后,向清廷奏请铸造在东北三省通用的银元,由户部天津造币总厂代铸。东三省系清代时对奉天(今天的辽宁)、吉林和黑龙江三省的合称。银币正面中央珠圈内镌满汉文“光绪元宝”,珠圈外上端镌汉字“东三省造”,下端镌汉字币重“库平七钱二分”,左右两端分别镌一个突出的圆点。银币背面中央镌蟠龙图,龙图上端环镌该银币的英文铸造年份“33RD YEAR OF KUANG HSU”,即“光绪三十三年”,下端镌东三省的英文旧称“MANCHURIAN PROVINCE”,左右两端分别镌一个突出的圆点。

After thirty-three years Guangxu (1907) Xu Shichang the governor of the three provinces of the new Ren Dong Province came to the office of the Qing court and made the silver yuan in the three provinces of the northeast and cast it by the Tianjin Mint General Factory of the Ministry of household. The three provinces in the Qing Dynasty collectively referred to Fengtian (today's Liaoning) Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces. The silver coin is engraved with Chinese "Guangxu Yuanbao" in the central bead circle. The upper end of the Pearl circle is engraved with Chinese characters "three provinces of East China". The lower end is engraved with Chinese currency "Ku Ping seven money two points" and the two ends of the Chinese characters are engraved with a prominent round point respectively. On the back of the silver coin the center of the silver coin is engraved and the top ring of the Dragon map is engraved in the English foundry year "33RD YEAR OF KUANG HSU" that is "Guangxu thirty-three years" the lower end of the eastern three provinces of the old "MANCHURIAN PROVINCE" both ends of the two ends are engraved with a prominent round point.

光緒の三十三年(1907年)新しい任東三省総督の徐世政が着任した後、清朝に向かって東北三省に通用する銀元を鋳造し、戸部天津造幣総工場によって鋳造した。東三省系清代の時、奉天(今日の遼寧)、吉林とアムール川の三省に対する合称。銀貨の正面中央珠圏には漢文の「光緒元宝」がある。珠圏の外に漢字「東三省造」を刻む。下端に漢字貨幣の「庫平七銭二分」が残る。銀貨の裏面には中央に沈んでいる竜の図、竜図の上にその銀貨を持つ英語の鋳造年「33 RD - YEARARON OF」は、「光緒三十三年」、下端に東三省の英語の古い「MANCH - PRVINST」を切り取って、左右の両端にそれぞれ突出した円点を刻む。

标签:三省  光绪  元宝  东三省  


