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时间:2018-08-16 11:19:43   作者:雅轩_a01   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:12917   评论:0
内容摘要: 辛亥革命后,袁世凯出任民国大总统,袁世凯为了解决军费和提高个人政治地位而发行银元货币。“袁大头”在货币收藏界被称为银元之宝,它是中国近千种近代银币中流传最广、影响最大的银元品种,也是近代中国币制变革中的一个重要角色,袁大头民国三年签字版是原天津造币厂试铸样币,铸造量小,......





After the revolution of 1911 Yuan Shikai became president of the Republic of China. Yuan Shikai issued silver dollar currency in order to solve military expenditure and improve his personal political status. "Yuan Datou" is known as the treasure of silver in the currency collection circle. It is the most widely spread and most influential silver variety in China's nearly 1000 modern silver coins. It is also an important role in the change of modern Chinese currency system. The three year signed edition of the Republic of China was the original Tianjin Mint sample coin small and rare.

This silver coin is the signature version of Yuan Datou in the three year of the Republic of China. The silver coin is engraved on the front side of the coin. The five face of President Yuan Shikai's military uniform is vivid and vivid. On the right side of the portrait there is an English letter "L.GioRGi" on the right which is the initials of the Italy engraver "Ruzhi George". The top ring of the portrait is issued in the year of "three years of the Republic of China". The center of the back is engraved with the currency value of "one circle" two characters and it is supported by two Jiahe books. This group of silver coin foundry is exquisite the carving is deep and steep the edge teeth are sharp the light is clear the patties are natural the products are intact it is worth collecting. Yuan Datou was one of the most rare varieties in the early years of the Republic of China and it was the ultimate work in the Republic of China. Because the signed version has not been officially circulated there is not much money left in the world and a coin that is well preserved has high collection value and investment value.



この銀貨は中華民国の3年の袁大頭の署名版で、銀貨は正面の大統領の袁世凱軍の5点の顔の側面の像を強調して、生き生きとしていて、眉目は神に伝わられます。袁像の右側には、英語のアルファベット「L . GioRGi」が刻まれており、中国籍の鋳円専門家イタリア彫刻師「ルール治-ジョージ」の署名である。肖像の上端リングは年号「中華民国三年」を発行し、裏中央に貨幣価値の「壱円」の二文字を刻む。このグループの銀貨は鋳造工を鋳造してきれいで、細工が深くて、歯は鋭く、光は人を識別することができます。中国の初年の人像の中で最も珍珍しい品種の一つで、民国貨幣の中の極致な作品である。署名版が正式に流通していないため、生存は多くなくて、このように完了した1枚の貨幣を保存して、きわめて高いコレクションの価値と投資の価値を持っています。



