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时间:2019-04-14 15:19:39   作者:煜藏文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:2257   评论:0
内容摘要: 五帝钱是中国历史上五位帝王在位期间所铸造并流通的古钱,又称“帝王钱”。民间认为五帝钱有挡煞、防小人、避邪,旺财、祈福之功效。大清王朝是中国历史上最后一个封建王朝,也是中国历史上第二个由少数民族(满族)建立并统治中国全境的封建王朝。大清王朝国土辽阔,资源丰富,是中国历......



五帝钱是中国历史上五位帝王在位期间所铸造并流通的古钱,又称“帝王钱”。民间认为五帝钱有挡煞、防小人、避邪,旺财、祈福之功效。大清王朝是中国历史上最后一个封建王朝,也是中国历史上第二个由少数民族(满族)建立并统治中国全境的封建王朝。大清王朝国土辽阔,资源丰富,是中国历史上最富强的国家之一。而小五帝钱即是指“清代五帝钱”——顺治、康熙、雍正、乾隆和嘉庆在位期间所铸造的古钱。这五位帝王相继在位180年,是清朝最辉煌的时期,在位期间国势强盛,出现了历史上著名的“康乾盛世”。 这组五帝钱,分别由“顺治通宝”、“康熙通宝”、“雍正通宝”、“乾隆通宝”、“嘉庆通宝”构成。这五个黄帝是清朝时较为兴旺的时代。这些古钱经过几百年的辗转流传,与普通古钱相比,它们更多汇聚了大地之灵气、中华民族之灵气、真命天子之灵气、传承百家之灵气。因此也具有极强的招财、护身的作用,既珍贵又难得。此组为传世五帝钱(花钱),锈色均匀,品相完整,花钱存世量更为稀有,实为难得一见的珍品,极具收藏价值和市场价值。

Five emperors'money also known as "emperor's money" was cast and circulated during the reign of five emperors in Chinese history. It is believed by the people that the five emperors'money has the functions of shielding preventing villains avoiding evil spirits prospering wealth and praying for good fortune. The Qing Dynasty was the last feudal dynasty in Chinese history and the second feudal dynasty established and ruled by ethnic minorities (Manchus) throughout China. The Qing Dynasty with its vast territory and abundant resources was one of the richest and most powerful countries in Chinese history. The small five emperors'money refers to the ancient money forged during the reign of Shunzhi Kangxi Yongzheng Qianlong and Jiaqing. These five emperors successively reigned for 180 years which was the most glorious period of the Qing Dynasty. During their reign the country was strong and the famous "prosperous times of Kang and Qian" appeared in history. This group of five emperors'money consists of "Shunzhi Tongbao" "Kangxi Tongbao" "Yongzheng Tongbao" "Qianlong Tongbao" and "Jiaqing Tongbao". These five Yellow Emperors were more prosperous in the Qing Dynasty. After hundreds of years of circulation these ancient coins compared with ordinary ancient coins have gathered the spirit of the earth the spirit of the Chinese nation the spirit of the true destiny of the Son of Heaven and inherited the spirit of a hundred schools of thought. Therefore it also has a very strong role in recruiting money and protecting the body which is both precious and rare. This group is handed down five emperors'money (spent money) uniform rust color complete appearance spent money to save the world more rare it is a rare treasure has great collection value and market value.




