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时间:2019-04-16 14:15:55   作者:煜藏文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:4698   评论:0
内容摘要: 作为中国近代制币中的十大名誉品之一,大清铜币一直深受钱币收藏爱好者的欢迎,版式也十分繁杂,从光绪帝到宣统帝,大清铜币都作为主要流通货币发行,它的诞生涉及到清末币制改革,有着特殊的历史意义。一枚小小的古钱币,蕴藏着丰富的历史元素。如今遗传在世的精品古钱币虽然并不多,......





此钱币为己酉“川”字度支部大清铜币,钱面中央铸有“大清铜币”四个汉字,内嵌一小字“川”,上端携刻满文“大清铜币”字样,两侧为年份“已酉”,左右分列“度支部”,下端为“当制钱十文”。钱背中央为蟠龙,上端为“宣统年造”,下端为英文“Tai-Ching Ti-Kuo Copper Coin”字样(大清帝国铜币)。


As one of the ten famous coins in modern China the bronze coins of the Qing Dynasty have always been welcomed by coin collectors and their formats are very complicated. From Emperor Guangxu to Emperor Xuantong the bronze coins of the Qing Dynasty were issued as the main currency in circulation. Its birth involves the reform of the currency system in the late Qing Dynasty which has special historical significance. A small old coin contains rich historical elements. Nowadays although there are not many exquisite ancient coins inherited from the world the value of each exquisite ancient coin is quite high. The price of ancient coins is judged by the stock artistic value and historical value and fluctuates in varying degrees with the change of the relationship between supply and demand in the market.

The difference between this coin and the common coin is that it has a "Du branch" on the front not a "household department". In fact these two names represent the institutions in charge of financial affairs only in the thirty-second year of Qing Guangxu because the reorganization changed the name of the household department to Du branch. Compared with the so-called "household department" the "Du branch" has existed for a very short time and the reign of Emperor Xuantong lasted only three years. It can be imagined that the rare degree of the Daqing copper coin in this annual branch of Xuantong is even more immeasurable than that in other editions of Daqing copper coin.

This coin is the Daqing Copper coin of its own "Chuan" character branch. Four Chinese characters "Daqing Copper coin" are coined in the center of the coin face. A small character "Chuan" is embedded in the coin. The upper end is engraved with the Manchu character "Daqing Copper coin". The two sides are "already united" in the year. The left and right sides are divided into "Duan Branch" and the lower end is "Ten Papers of Currency System". The central part of Qianbei is Panlong the upper end is Xuantong Nianjiao and the lower end is Tai-Ching Ti-Kuo Copper Coin (Qing Empire Copper Coin).

This coin bag is natural very good-looking with a Kawabata-type version in the middle and was coined by the largest branch of the Department that made money at the beginning. It is one of the most rare coins in the world.



このお金は自分の酉の「川」字度支部の大清銅貨で、お金の面の中央に「大清銅貨」の四つの漢字が鋳造されています。小さな字の「川」が埋め込まれています。上端には満文の「大清銅貨」の文字が刻まれています。両側は年の「酉」で、左右に「度支部」があり、下端は「当制銭十文」です。銭背中央は蟠龍で、上端は「宣統年造」、下端は英語「Tai-Chhing Ti-Kuo Copper Coin」(大清帝国銅貨)です。




