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时间:2019-09-29 17:22:52   作者:五帝币   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:800   评论:0
五帝币  此藏品为广东惠州  刘先生所收藏
五帝币是指清朝顺治、康熙、雍正、乾隆、嘉庆五个皇帝的铜钱,据说有挡煞、防小人、避邪,旺财之功效。女孩子可以用红线把五帝钱穿起来挂在包包上,也可以随身挂带,用以避邪。铜钱外圆内方,外圆代表天,内方代表地,中间的皇帝年号代表人,“天、地、人”三才具备,因而具有扭转乾坤的能量;顺治、康熙、雍正、乾隆、嘉庆五帝处于中国国力最强大的年代,时代相连,国运昌盛,社会安定繁荣,帝王独尊,百姓乐业,钱币铸造精良,流通时久,得“天、地、人”之精气,故能镇宅、化煞,并兼具旺财功能。五帝钱由顺治、康熙、雍正、乾隆、嘉庆五枚构成,但其收藏价值并非相同,以大众熟悉的乾隆通宝、康熙通宝为例,两位帝王均在位60年,铸造的货币存世量较大,而雍正帝在位13年,各铸局开开停停,铸造量非常有限,因此 价值比重颇高,其次是顺治通宝,顺治通宝为满清入关后第一枚货币,制形经过了仿古(明)式、单记地、记地一厘钱的衍变,最后定性为满文和满汉文两种,称为清代钱币的固定模式。可以说,雍正通宝和顺治通宝,所占收藏价值比例极高。此藏品为不可多得的收藏重器、极为罕见、保存完整。

The five COINS are the copper COINS of the five emperors of the qing dynasty kangxi yongzheng qianlong and jiaqing. They are said to have the power to block evil spirits protect people from evil and avoid evil spirits. Girls can use the red line to put five COINS in their bags or they can hang them with them to ward off evil spirits. The inner circle of copper COINS the outer circle represents the heaven the inner side represents the earth the middle emperor's annual representative "heaven earth people" three talents have thus has the power to turn the tide; Shunzhi kangxi yongzheng and qianlong jiaqing five emperors in China's national strength the most powerful s era national prosperity social stability and prosperity first emperor and the people happy coin casting is excellent when circulation for a long time so the essence of "heaven earth and man" so the town house evil spirit and the function both prosperous wealth. Sovereigns and money by shunzhi kangxi yongzheng and qianlong jiaqing five but the collection value is not the same with the familiar TongBao kangxi qianlong TongBao as an example the two are 60 year of the reign of emperor casting the currency of the world amount is larger and 13 year of the reign of emperor yongzheng the cast of starting and stopping casting quantity is very limited so high value proportion followed by TongBao shun zhi period TongBao for qing shunzhi shanhaiguan first currency made after the antique (Ming) single to remember remember to development of penny of the money the qualitative for the manchu and Chinese two kinds called fixed pattern of qing dynasty COINS. It can be said that yongzheng tongbao and shunzhi tongbao account for a high proportion of the collection value. The collection is a rare rare and complete collection.




