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时间:2018-07-22 09:58:49   作者:金涌文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:26201   评论:0
内容摘要:因其首铸于民国三年,又有称“民三”者,此类别称由来已久。作为民国军阀钱币的领头羊,“大头”系列对钱币收藏爱好者来说,并不陌生。 “袁大头”钱币的诞生,也是银币发展的必然结果。在辛亥革命后,袁世凯为了解决军费和提高个人政治地位而发行的货币,因这些银元铸有他的侧身图像而得名。 “袁大......

此枚袁大头为中华民国三年,包浆熟旧品相完好。字迹清晰,边齿平整,大小一致,齿深深浅一致 ,背图嘉禾规范清晰。此藏品极具投资价值和收藏价值,文化品位备受收藏者的青睐,是不可多得的珍品。

Because of its first casting in the three years of the Republic of China and also known as "people three" this kind of nickname has a long history. As the leader of the warlords coins in the Republic of China the "big head" series is no stranger to coin collectors.
The birth of "Yuan Da Tai" coins is also the inevitable result of the development of silver coins. After the revolution of 1911 Yuan Shikai's currency was issued for solving military expenses and improving his personal political status.
"Yuan Datou" is known as the treasure of silver in the currency collection circle which is the most widely circulated and most influential coin in China's nearly 1000 modern currencies. It is also an important role in the change of modern Chinese currency system.
Yuan Datou was the three year of the Republic of China. The handwriting is clear the edge teeth are smooth the size is the same the teeth are deep and shallow and the back map is clear and clear in Jiahe. This collection has great investment value and collection value and its cultural taste is favored by collectors. It is rare treasure.



