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时间:2018-11-11 18:00:16   作者:恩锐网络   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:853   评论:0
吴佩孚,字子玉,山东蓬莱人,民国时期著名的军事家、爱国者、中国国民军一级上将、官至直鲁豫两湖巡阅使、十四省讨贼联军。吴佩孚一生注重修身,清廉自守,为人忠直,至性至情,称得上是北洋整体中以致民国政坛军界中的佼佼者,华北陷落于日伪之后,愈显其晚节弥坚。甚至用自己的生命诠释了中华民族伟大而不行侵占的气节。 他照旧亮相《时代》杂志封面的首位中国人。这枚中华民国吴佩孚纪念币,实乃珍藏珍品,具有很高的纪念价值和珍藏价值。

   此币为1908年制花边鹰洋 银元正面是一展翅雄鹰,嘴叼长蛇鹰洋蛇尾与鹰翅相连。背面中央为一顶自由软帽帽檐书有西班牙文LIBERTAD字样。图案象征着力量、忠诚、和平和自由。钱币整体品相完好,包浆熟旧保存相当好,是难得的珍品。收藏价值极高,为不可多得的收藏佳品,具有巨大的收藏价值及投资价This coin is Guangxu Yuan Bao. The inscription Guangxu Yuan Bao is cast in the front circle of the coin which province is cast in the upper circle of the jewelry circle and the currency value is cast at the bottom: the center of the coin is Guangxu Yuan Bao of Manchu. Yuanbao's back inner circle is made of Shenlong Tengfei totem and the outer circle is made of English. It is a rare rare and exquisite product with exquisite appearance. This collection is a historical witness is a precious cultural relic has great investment value and collection value cultural taste is favored by collectors is a rare treasure.
Wu Peifu Ziyu Shandong Penglai a famous militarist patriot first-level General of the Chinese National Army an official visiting envoy to the two lakes of Zhilu and Henan and a coalition of thieves in 14 provinces during the Republic of China. Wu Pei-fu paid attention to self-cultivation integrity integrity loyalty and affection all his life. He was a leader in the whole Northern Ocean and the military circles of the Republic of China. After the fall of North China into the Japanese puppet festival his evening festival became stronger and stronger. It has even interpreted the great and no invasion of the Chinese nation with its own life. He still appeared as the first Chinese on the cover of time magazine. This commemorative coin of Wu Peifu of the Republic of China is indeed a treasure with high commemorative value and collection value.
French Indochina trade silver dollar commonly known as "Yang Yang" one of the foreign silver coins circulated in China at the end of Qing Dynasty. The silver dollar is the statue of the Greek statue of liberty which is why it is named after the ocean.  The predecessor of the ocean was the French government in the * * * * * * (the southern Vietnamese regime) began to build 10 immortals in 1879. From 1885 the French Annan government began to mint one-dollar silver coins in 1885 in order to resist Mexican silver coins and American trade silver coins.
This coin is made in 1908 lace Eagle Ocean. On the front of the silver coin is a winged eagle with a long serpent tail in its mouth connected to the eagle's wings. In the center of the back is a free bonnet and the hat is written in Spanish LIBERTAD. Patterns symbolize strength loyalty peace and freedom. The overall quality of the coins is intact and the pulp is old and well preserved. It is a rare treasure. Its collection value is very high. It is a rare collection of excellent products. It has huge collection value and investment value.



