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时间:2019-09-20 17:44:26   作者:永初文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:366   评论:0
内容摘要: 此枚钱币为军政府造四川铜币当制钱一百文,铜币正面中央珠圈内有“四川铜币”四字,上下左右分列,其中心饰有芙蓉花纹。珠圈上缘书“军政府造”四字,下缘为“当制钱壹百文”字样,标明币值,左右饰以花星纹饰。铜币背面中央大圆圈内为一篆书“汉”字,“汉”字底有数十条横直纹,因而钱币收藏者也称......

This coin is made by the military government as a hundred-character Sichuan copper coin. The front of the coin has four characters of "Sichuan copper coin" in the central bead circle. It is divided from top to bottom and the center is decorated with hibiscus pattern. The upper margin of the bead circle is "made by the military government" and the lower margin is "made as a hundred words of money" indicating the value of the currency and decorating the left and right with flower stars. On the back of the large circle in the center of the copper coin is a seal book "Han". There are dozens of horizontal lines on the bottom of the word "Han". Therefore coin collectors also call it "Han" copper yuan. There were 18 small circles outside the "Han" circle representing 18 provinces at that time. The combination of 18 small circles around the word "Han" implies that the people of 18 provinces united to fight for "expelling the Tartars and restoring China".           
There are five denominations of Sichuan copper coins in seal book "Han". They are 5 10 20 50 and 100 of which 100 are extremely rare. More 20 and 50 coins were minted. Ten pennies are minted in large quantities. It can be seen from this that the 100-article copper coin is a rare fine product in the world which is extremely rare. Sichuan copper coins have been minted for a short time and circulated only for more than 50 years. Therefore one hundred bronze coins are extremely precious and have a high market value.




