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时间:2019-11-15 16:25:55   作者:永初文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:514   评论:0
内容摘要: 此钱币为陕西省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分,此币不仅是近代银币中的大名誉品,更是我国“银币二十大珍品”之一,备受中外泉界青睐。钱币正面点圈内镌汉文和满文“光绪元宝”字样,上镌“陕西省造”四字,下镌“库平七钱二分”六字,两旁镌六瓣花饰。背面蟠龙居中,外圈为英文,并镌有“7”和“2”阿拉......

This coin is seven coins and two cents for the Yuanbao treasury of Guangxu Shaanxi Province. It is not only a famous modern silver coin but also one of the "twenty silver coins" in China which is favored by the spring circle at home and abroad. On the obverse of the coin the characters of "Guangxu Yuanbao" in Chinese and Manchu are engraved in the dot circle with four characters of "made in Shaanxi Province" on the top six characters of "seven coins and two cents in Kuping" on the bottom and six petals of flower decorations on both sides. The back of the dragon is in the middle the outer ring is in English and is engraved with "7" and "2" Arabic numerals with small flower decorations on both sides. The whole coin is old-fashioned natural exquisite and superior in quality. The characters are bulging the strokes are round and deep the regular script characters and calligraphy are very dignified and the structure of the shelves is balanced and stretched. The dragon pattern the eyes are vivid and bright the Dragon scales are arranged in a fine and dense manner and the Pearl grains are free of nothingness and stickiness and the Dragon claws are bold and powerful. The edge teeth are standard the ring teeth are convex the particles are clear the ground seal is flat and smooth as a plate. The casting amount is extremely rare and has a high collection value.




