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时间:2019-12-29 10:45:13   作者:永初文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:475   评论:0
内容摘要: 宝福局咸丰通宝背大清壹百铜钱,铸于清咸丰年间(公元1851—1861年)。钱币面文“咸丰通宝”四字,其书体乃宝福局钱特有的黄山谷体,直读。其字书写十分规矩,笔笔划划力道十足,字形大小适中,布局协调。其书体书意,彰显端美俊朗,可谓清钱之最,宝福个性。其背穿左右满文“宝福”纪局,穿......

Baofu Bureau Xianfeng Tongbao back Qing Dynasty 100 copper coins cast in the Qing Xianfeng years (AD 1851-1861). The four characters "Xianfeng Tongbao" on the surface of the coin are in Huangshan Valley style unique to Baofu Bureau's money which can be read directly. The writing is very regular the strokes are powerful the font size is moderate and the layout is harmonious. It is the most beautiful and handsome book in Qing Dynasty with Baofu's personality. On the back of it there is the "Baofu" discipline Bureau in Manchu on the back there is the "Daqing" national number and on the back there is the "one hundred" discipline value. Because this money is a combination of year country and name it is quite unique in the Qing Dynasty. In addition it was also made by Baofu Bureau of the Qing Dynasty Bureau of casting money and fame. Its casting body is thick the copper quality is excellent the casting appearance is excellent and the book appearance is beautiful. It was found late and it is extremely rare at that time. In addition to the speculation at the time of shooting the name of treasure and beauty has spread and it is known as the king of Qing money.




