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时间:2020-05-16 09:44:31   作者:永初文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:679   评论:0
内容摘要: 宽永通宝是日本历史上铸量最大、铸期最长、版别最多的一种钱币,同时也是流入我国数量最多的外国钱币之一。它始铸于日本第108代后水尾天皇宽永三年(1626年),从1636年开始大量铸造。当时日本各地的钱炉均有铸造,至明治初年还在使用,前后流通长达240余年,后因德川幕府灭亡而废止。......

Kwan Yong Tongbao is one of the largest longest and most different coins in Japanese history. It is also one of the most foreign coins flowing into China. It was first cast in Japan in the third year of Emperor Kuanyong (1626) after the 108th generation and began to be cast in large quantities in 1636. At that time all the money stoves in Japan were cast and they were still in use at the beginning of Meiji. They circulated for more than 240 years before and after and were abolished because of the demise of the Tokugawa shogunate. Japan's "Kuan Yong Tongbao" money circulated among the Chinese people for many years until the early years of the Qing and Qianlong dynasties it was not known by the government that it was suspected that it was private money but also used another "year number" which was tantamount to rebellion. So Emperor Qianlong ordered the governors and governors of Jiangsu Zhejiang and Fujian to open the oven to sell. Fortunately Zhuang Yougong governor of Jiangsu Province has a wide range of knowledge and tells us his history. Hence Yin Jishan governor of the two rivers and Zhuangyou governor of Jiangsu Province are respectfully "shuffled in rank" and tell the story. Emperor Qianlong ordered that merchant ships should be strictly prohibited from carrying small amounts of money. Officials buy what is used by the people. So far things have been settled. There are very few in the world and the price is very high. The company has the privilege to collect a Japanese bronze coin "Kuan Yong Tongbao". It has four characters of "Kuan Yong Tongbao" on the inside of the outer circle and on the front. The material is copper the coin body is regular the four characters of Qian Wen are correct the handwriting is deep and clear. It is a rare treasure with good collection value and huge investment appreciation space.




