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时间:2020-07-23 15:44:28   作者:郑古文藏   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:652   评论:0
内容摘要: 广东省造光绪元宝“库平一钱四分四厘”,钱面:珠圈中满汉文“光绪元宝”四字,圈外上环“广东省造”,下环“库平一钱四分四厘”。钱背:中心为蟠龙图案,上下环英文:KWANG-TUNG PROVINCE(广东省造),1 MACE AND 4.4 CANDAREENS(一钱四分四厘),......

  广东省造光绪元宝“库平一钱四分四厘”,钱面:珠圈中满汉文“光绪元宝”四字,圈外上环“广东省造”,下环“库平一钱四分四厘”。钱背:中心为蟠龙图案,上下环英文:KWANG-TUNG PROVINCE(广东省造),1 MACE AND 4.4 CANDAREENS(一钱四分四厘),左右各一十字星。 藏品品相精致,其审美风格独持,钱币正面鲜然可见满汉文化的融合,而钱背却明确标示了西方文化的介入。钱币虽小,也可管窥社会文化一斑。其包浆入骨,熟旧自然,深打字口清楚,流通痕迹明显,边齿过关,龙鳞清晰,具有极高的投资价值和收藏价值。
Guangxu Yuanbao made in Guangdong Province is "Kuping 1 coin 4 Fen 4 li". The coin face: the Pearl circle is full of four characters of "Guangxu Yuanbao" in Chinese the outer ring is "made in Guangdong Province" and the lower ring is "Kuping 1 coin 4 Fen 4 li". Qian Bei: the center is a dragon pattern with the upper and lower rings in English: Kwang-tung provision (made in Guangdong Province) 1 mace and 4.4 candareens (1 coin 4.4 cm) with a cross star on the left and right. The collection is exquisite and its aesthetic style is unique. The integration of Manchu and Han culture can be seen in the front of coins while the back of money clearly indicates the intervention of western culture. Although the coin is small it can also be a glimpse of social culture. It has a very high investment value and collection value because of its deep natural deep typing clear circulation trac




