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时间:2018-03-31 16:49:04   作者:鸣熙文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:118297   评论:0

天然水晶的生长环境,多是深藏于地底下、岩洞中,需要有丰富的地下水来源,地下水又多含有饱和的二氧化硅,同时此中的压力约需在大气压力下的二倍至三倍左右,温度则需在550-600℃间,它们在地下经历八千万年以上生长时间,水晶就会依着“六方晶系”的自然法则,而结晶成六方柱状的水晶了。水晶晶粒多而不乱,所有晶尖都指向洞体中心,有规律地生长,此件天然水晶原石 造型独特,如同层峦叠嶂的山峰一样,意境高远。灯光打上去之后晶莹剔透,颜色明亮,没有一丝杂质,此等级别天然水晶原石实属罕见,天然水晶原石属于不可再生资源,开采一批就会少一批,所以它的价格每年都会上升。按现在天然水晶价格每年30%的增长幅度,后期市场行情可想而知。
The growth environment of natural crystal is mostly hidden in the ground and in the cave. It needs a rich source of groundwater, and the groundwater contains more saturated silica. At the same time, the pressure is about two to three times that of the atmospheric pressure, and the temperature is at 550-600 degrees C. They will undergo more than eighty million years of growth in the underground, and the crystal will depend on the "six crystal system". The law of nature is crystallized into six square columnar crystals. Crystal grains are many and not messy. All the crystal tips point to the center of the cave body and grow regularly. This natural crystal is unique in shape, like mountains of mountains and peaks, with high artistic conception. The light is clear, bright color, no trace of impurities, this class of natural crystal raw stone is rare, natural crystal stone belongs to non renewable resources, mining will be less a batch, so its price will rise every year. According to the current natural crystal price, the annual growth rate is 30%. Later market can be imagined.



