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时间:2017-12-20 09:05:15   作者:鸣熙文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:5908   评论:0


西周青铜器从器形之间看,由于西周时期的青铜器制作方法同夏、商时期不一样,有很大的变化,都是陶范制作,且一器一范,手工制作,这样就不能铸造出相同的陶范,所以,在西周时期也是没有完全相同的青铜器造型,从纹饰之间看,由于同夏、商时代一样为陶范铸成,一范一器,几乎没有完全相同纹饰或刻痕的青铜器,除了个别用单范铸造成器的有相同的纹饰,不过这样的纹饰在西周时期很少见。   从铜铁合铸上看,近年来的考古发现新材料证明,在商代晚期和西周早、中期,这类铜铁合铸器所使用的铁都是陨铁,中国历史上铜和陨铁合铸的时代是从商代晚期到西周晚期。而人工冶铁与铜合铸成器的时代至迟在西周晚期技术上已经成熟。

From between the shape of the western zhou dynasty bronze ware, as a result of the western zhou dynasty bronze ware producing method with the xia, shang period, there is a big change, pottery mould making, and a is a van, handmade, so it cannot be cast out of the same pottery mould, so, in the western zhou dynasty is not completely the same bronze modelling, from grain between look, because like xia, shang era for the pottery mould, a van, almost no identical grain or Nick bronze ware, in addition to the individual with ChanFan cast out of the same grain, but the grain is rare in the western zhou dynasty. Look from the copper alloy with iron, in recent years, the archaeological discovery of the new material proved that in the late shang dynasty and the early western zhou dynasty, medium, such as copper or iron used as casting iron is meteoric iron, copper, and in the history of Chinese corrugated iron alloyed period from the late shang dynasty to the late western zhou dynasty. And artificial iron smelting and copper alloy out of age at the latest in the late western zhou dynasty technology is ripe




