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时间:2018-04-06 14:20:45   作者:华羲文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:89722   评论:0
内容摘要:和田玉夹生在海拔3500米以上高绵延的昆仑山脉山岩中。和田玉原石经过自然的地质运动和冰川运动等长期的剥解为大小不等的块,和田玉碎块经过雨水雪水冲刷流入河,随河流流入水中,称为和田玉山流水料,和田玉山流水原石经过玉龙喀什河几百甚至上万年的冲刷,就形成了和田玉籽料。Hetian ja......
Hetian jade cooked at an altitude of 3500 meters above the rolling rocks in the Kunlun mountains. Hetian jade stone by natural geological movement and glacier movement and other long-term stripping solution for the size of the block, and Tian Yu fragments after rain snow brushed into the river, the river flows into the water, called Tian Yushan and water feeding, water erosion and Tian Yushan stone after ERON Kashi River hundreds or even thousands of years, the formation of Hetian jade seed material.
The Kunlun Mountains in the south of Tarim Basin. West Kashi Taxkorgan county area east of ANN and vigorously in Lazi mountain, in the Hotan region of southern sangzhutage, Crick, Liu Shi, iron mountain, east of Qiemo County, South Altun north wing of Tthew La Mohnen Tagg.
Hetian jade belongs to the national totem has a history of 8000 years has been carrying since ancient times, gold prices are priceless jade said, for the price or definition based on the basis of relative existence, technology, raw materials, creative, author, the future will also appear on the brand value, jade, there is no unified standard of domestic operation outside, in the market, generally similar quality jade or jewelry, the price is often very different, it is difficult to grasp. Different Hetian jade and single crystal stones, and Tian Yu is composed of crystal mineral aggregate, mineral particles composed of different thickness, different arrangement and distribution is not uniform, resulting in Hetian jade color, structure, transparency, etc. a variety of impurities. The factors affecting the value of Hetian jade raw materials according to the national conditions, culture, aesthetic, creative, technology, and many other conditions, but no pursuit of the value of jade will fade in color, this is the reason there is a price for gold, jade is priceless ", is also a novice and expert understanding completely different of the sentence.
This collection of Hetian jade seed material, rare treasures, a collection of great value and investment value.



