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时间:2018-04-20 13:33:59   作者:明代玉挂件   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:17896   评论:0
高古玉多为帝王皇家达官贵人用玉,从用料、制作工艺、文化气息上有着厚重深奥的内涵。形成于西周早期天子戴于胸前以示威仪。西周,出天子,制礼仪,次序天下,对古老的龙,也要具体的形象化。此龙,选用奇特玉材,集众物形态之灵形,采用阴线,斜刀技法琢成。刀法娴熟,一气呵成。马头,牛鼻,鲨鱼嘴,目雷纹眼,羊角,蛇颈,单人足,鸟肚,虎尾,鱼尾纹。造型完整,形象生动,威猛有力。此玉龙, 随光变化奇幻无穷。高古玉沁色种类凡多,有红沁、朱砂沁、土沁、水沁、金属沁、水银沁等等。所呈现的色彩主要有红色、黄色、黑色、白色、绿色、紫色、蓝色及过渡色。沁色一词是一个笼统的概念,实际上应当是外界化学元素沁入玉中所呈现出的色彩变化和状态特征。色彩是有别于玉质本色的来自于外界的其他色素。非交互状态表现形式为色彩的相对独立性,没有与玉的分子结构产生互变。交互状态表现形式为外来原素与玉内原素产生互变,从而改变玉的本质结构变化,这一过程往往需要很长时间。
此藏品为:高古玉挂件,质地细腻温润,线条柔美,雕工精致,生动逼真,线条流畅,形状饱满品相好,刻画的丝丝入扣,灵动自然,颇具创意。而且青玉玉质细腻温润、玉色深重且纯正一致,整体呈现刚劲之气,寓意着基业长青。藏品具有很高的收藏价值。 如需收藏购买,请与公司客服联系,我们将竭诚为您服务。
Gao Gu Yu is often used by emperors and Royale officials to use jade, which has profound and profound connotation from materials, production techniques and cultural atmosphere. Formed in the early Western Zhou Dynasty emperor to wear in front of her majesty. In the Western Zhou Dynasty, the emperor made the etiquette and ordered the world, and the ancient dragon must be visualized. The selection of jade dragon, strange things, in the spirit of the form of shape, line, cut into oblique knife techniques. Daofa skill, go. The horse, bovine, shark mouth, eye wrinkles eye ray, horn, snake neck, single foot, bird belly, Huwei, crow's feet. Form a complete, vivid, mighty and powerful. The ERON, changing with the light, is fantastic. High jade ooze species where much red, Zhu Shaqin, Qin, Qin, Qin, soil water, Qin Qin metal mercury etc.. The colors are mainly red, yellow, black, white, green, purple, blue and transitional colors. The word "Qin" is a general concept. It should be the color change and state characteristics of the external chemical elements in the jade. The color is different from the color of jade from other pigment outside. The form of non interactive state is the relative independence of color, and does not interact with the molecular structure of jade. The interaction state is represented by the interaction between foreign elements and jade elements, thus changing the essential structural changes of jade. This process often takes a long time.
This collection is: high jade pendant, fine texture and gentle, delicate lines, exquisite workmanship, vivid and vivid, smooth lines, full shape, delicacy, vivid and natural, creative. Jade jade, jade and delicate jade deep and pure, the overall presentation of bold gas, meaning the everlasting. The collection has a high collection value. If you want to collect your purchases, please contact our customer service. We will serve you wholeheartedly.



