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时间:2019-02-25 16:30:44   作者:煜藏文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:2377   评论:0
内容摘要: 战国时期,玉璧质地较佳,多用青玉、白玉。璧的尺寸因用途不一而异。战国玉璧的装饰纹饰丰富繁杂。春秋战国至汉代,玉璧为云纹、谷纹、蒲纹,间或有螭纹。此藏品为海螺云兽纹高古玉壁,出自春秋战国时期,壁体较薄,厚度在1厘米左右。表面分成三区同心圆纹带,内外区琢成一首双身龙纹,......




During the Warring States Period Jade Bi was of better texture and was mostly made of sapphire and white jade. Dimensions vary according to the use. The decorative decoration of Jade Bi in the Warring States Period is rich and complicated. From the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period to the Han Dynasty the Jade Bi was moire grain and pu sometimes with stings. This collection is a high ancient jade wall with conch cloud and animal pattern. It originated from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Its wall is thin and its thickness is about 1 centimeter. The surface is divided into three concentric circular ribbons the inner and outer areas are carved into a double dragon pattern while the central area retains the traditional grain pattern. The interior and exterior edges are carved with negative lines and the profile is triangular and prismatic. A vivid animal image is carved on the inner hole or outer edge. The sculpture technique uses the combination of thick and thin shaded lines. There are fewer thick lines more fine lines and hairy lines. The knife worker is sharp and straight with deep cuts and sharp corners. The grain-like papillae are full and symmetrical and the grain-like pattern is formed by carving a negative line on the nail-like pattern. In the past few years jade collectors paid attention to the collection age in the jade auction market and the high ancient jade articles before Ming and Qing dynasties were very popular.




