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时间:2017-06-07 16:52:32   作者:13333993640   来源:容艺网   阅读:5120   评论:0

中国民国开国纪念币双旗币十文  此藏品为江苏省昆山市刘先生所藏有。此预计近期出手,价位可商议,如需咨询请联系客服。


民国发行的铜币与清最大的区别是龙纹被换成了由稻穗组成的嘉禾纹。各省铸造的铜元大多为两面叉的国旗图案,并有“开国纪念币”或“中华民国铜币”字样。中华民国开国纪念双旗币是铜元收藏研究中数量很大,也是很重要的一个品类,具有很高的收藏和投资价值。在钱币类的在线交易中,中华民国双旗铜币备受青睐,成为很多买家追逐的焦点。无论是从收藏还是投资都是重磅级藏品。 清末民国钱币其铸造、历史、文字、风格等有特殊性,对收藏者极有吸引力。而且清末民国钱币年代较近,鉴定起来难度相对较低,所以大多数收藏者更倾向于清末民国钱币。又因清代以来经历了多场战争,珍稀古钱币损失严重,至今,数量已经极其有限。也许是因为这些缘故,导致如今一 些清代、民国钱币价值连城,甚至仅仅一两枚古钱币,便能换到市区一套房子。      

1911年辛亥革命胜利后,清帝退位,中华民国成立。中国民主主义革命的先驱者孙中山就任中华民国临时大总统,并在颁布的“临时大总统令”中提出要“另刊新模,鼓铸纪念币”,随后武昌和南京两处造币厂率先铸行了 “中华民国开国纪念币”铜元辅币,以十文面值的为主,在全国大量发行以取代清朝铜元。这就是“中华民国开国纪念币” 铜元的由来。  无庸置疑,这种铜元的币名很明确,就是“中华民国开国纪念币”。根据钱币收藏界的一般共识,对一种钱币,应该把可以明确币名或显示钱币最主要特征的一面称为“面”,而把其相对的另一面称为“背”,据此我们应该把此币最能区别于前朝铜元,并具有鲜明的划时代革命和进步意义的有“中华民国开国纪念币”。

This coin is a mechanism of copper COINS, coin positive bead circle double flag, left and right sides of the ornamental design has tangled branches, official script on the "republic of China", with "founding commemorative COINS, coin on the back of the ring value of regular script" ten ", chow ring even small leaf decorative grain, outside is English, about each pair of cross. It is a rare currency, and is of very high value in the coin collection.

The biggest difference between the COINS in the republic of China and qing dynasty was that the dragon grain was replaced with a grain of rice. Most of the copper COINS in the provinces were made of the flag of the two sides, with the words "founding commemorative coin" or "the bronze coin of the republic of China". The founding anniversary of the founding of the republic of China is a large and important category in the study of the bronze yuan collection, which has a high collection and investment value. In the online trading of COINS, the republic of China has become the focus of many buyers. It's a blockbuster collection from both collection and investment. The coin, history, text and style of the republic of China are very attractive to collectors. And since the early republic of the republic of the republic of the republic of China was relatively close to the date, the difficulty of identifying it was relatively low, so most collectors prefer the republic of the republic of China. Since the qing dynasty, there have been many wars, the rare and ancient COINS have been badly lost, so far, the number has been extremely limited. Perhaps because of this reason, lead to some now, valuable coin of the republic of China in the qing dynasty, even just a couple of old coin, can in an apartment downtown.

After the victory of the 1911 revolution, emperor qing abdicated and the republic of China was established. China's democratic revolution pioneer sun yat-sen as the provisional President of the republic of China, and put forward in the issued "interim executive order" to "the issue of the new mould, drum casting COINS", then the wuchang and nanjing mint in two places first casting line "the founding of the republic of China COINS" copper coin COINS, give priority to with the face value of 10, issue instead of the qing dynasty copper coin in the country. This is the origin of "the founding coin of the republic of China". There is no doubt that the coin is known as "the founding of the republic of China". According to the general consensus of coin collectors, a coin, should have clear currency displays the money or the name of the main characteristics of a known as the "face", and call its relative to the other side of the "back", accordingly we should put the COINS can differ from most power copper coin, and with distinct epochal revolution and the progressive significance of "the founding of the republic of China COINS".








