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时间:2017-07-17 15:31:56   作者:户部造大清铜币013   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:8070   评论:1

户部造大清铜币   此藏品为吕先生所收藏


此枚户部造的大清铜币当制钱十文,正面铸有铭文,中间铸楷体户部造,底部铸“当制钱十文”,中心直读“大清铜币 ”四字,中心为宁字。铜币背面外圈顶部书写光绪年造,内圈铸有中心为蟠龙图,品相精致,为难得的稀世珍品。目前大清铜币投资市场火热,行情大涨,藏品为不可多得的收藏重器、极为罕见、有巨大的投资价值、及收藏价值、如需收藏购买、此藏品请与我们客服联系、我们将竭诚为您服务。


"Qing coppers" is one of the ten honorary product in currency of the mechanism of China's modern, qing coppers layout design is elegant, fine carving, and only a very few and far between, is coin collecting world, a kind of recognition greatly, has been hailed as a coin, a lot of collectors of qing coppers fondle admiringly, and collect a variety of copper has now become a target. It has immeasurable academic and historical value.

This made of qing copper coin when ZhiQian ten, positive cast with inscriptions, middle casting regular script of build, cast "when ZhiQian ten", at the bottom of the center direct reading "qing coppers" four words, center for better words. At the top of the copper coin, the top of the outer ring is written in the year of guangxu. The inner circle has a center for pantograph, which is exquisite and rare and rare. Now qing hot coppers investment market, prices soared, collection of rare collections of jack, extremely rare, there is a huge investment value and collection value, if you want to buy, this collection please contact our customer service, we will serve you wholeheartedly.

Similar qing coppers, collection poly auction company in Beijing in 2015, the autumn auction (7.17-18), miscellaneous art auction, a qing coppers, reached 1.28 million, after several rounds of bidding, ended with 5.88 million hammer, raised a hot wave of collectors collection.



このように、铜货と似ているのは、2015年に北京の保利オークションで、秋のバーゲン会(7.17 - 18)、雑货の特売会で、大清铜货の1枚が、128万円、数回の竞売価格を経て、结局588万円で落札され、チベットのコレクションブームを巻き起こした」と话している



