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时间:2017-09-27 14:48:37   作者:鸣熙文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:317182   评论:0
内容摘要: 珐琅,是一种粉状的玻璃质材料,以石英、长石、硼砂、瓷土为原料,以金属氧化物为着色剂,经粉碎、熔融后而成,习惯上称为“珐琅釉”。珐琅器是将珐琅釉通过不同的加工工艺固着于金、银或铜胎的表面,经焙烧后而成。根据其制作方法的不同,珐琅器可分为掐丝珐琅、錾胎珐琅(内填珐琅)、画珐琅三大品......

珐琅,是一种粉状的玻璃质材料,以石英、长石、硼砂、瓷土为原料,以金属氧化物为着色剂,经粉碎、熔融后而成,习惯上称为“珐琅釉”。珐琅器是将珐琅釉通过不同的加工工艺固着于金、银或铜胎的表面,经焙烧后而成。根据其制作方法的不同,珐琅器可分为掐丝珐琅、錾胎珐琅(内填珐琅)、画珐琅三大品种。珐琅器既具有金属的坚固性、玻璃的光滑性,又具有瓷器的耐蚀性和珠宝的富贵气,是实用与艺术完美结合的工艺美术品之一。 掐丝珐琅、錾胎珐琅和画珐琅,分别于不同时期在我国出现。掐丝珐琅俗称“景泰蓝”,其原产地在今天的中东地区。公元11世纪,中东的阿拉伯人已开始制作和使用掐丝珐琅。约在13-14世纪,掐丝珐琅工艺传入中国。珐琅工艺虽是舶来品,但一经传入中国,即与我国传统的金属制造工艺、镶嵌工艺有机地融为一体,心灵手巧的中国工匠很快掌握了掐丝珐琅的制造技术,所制珐琅器在造型、图案等方面完全民族化,甚至不留任何外来文化的影响与痕迹。


Enamel, is a kind of powdery vitreous material, quartz, feldspar, borax, porcelain clay as raw materials, with metal oxide as colouring agent, after grinding, melting, known as the \"enamel glaze\" habit. Enamels is enamel glaze by different processing craft fixation in gold, silver or copper on the surface of the tire and after roasting. According to their different method of production, enamels, chisel tire can be divided into wire inlay enamel enamel enamel (within), painted enamel three varieties. Enamels has both the smoothness of the robustness of the metal, glass, and porcelain, corrosion resistance and jewelry of rich gas, is a perfect combination of art and practical one of the arts and crafts. Wire inlay enamel, chisel foetus enamel and enamel, respectively in different period in our country. Wire inlay enamel commonly known as \"cloisonne\", its origin in the Middle East today. The 11th century, arabs in the Middle East has started to make and use wire inlay enamel. About 13 to 14 century, wire inlay enamel craft was introduced into China. Enamel craft is import, but once was introduced into China, with our traditional metal manufacturing technology, embedded technology organically fuse and ingenuity of the Chinese craftsmen quickly mastered the technology of manufacturing of wire inlay enamel, made enamels in such aspects as patterns, nationalization, completely without leaving any traces the influence of foreign culture and even.

Wire inlay enamel is a kind of compound handicraft, composed of multi-channel process. General with red copper do tire (a few with gold, silver or brass for tires, tire after forming, with a flat, narrow long copper wire, according to the decorative pattern is needed, welding in tire body surface; And then fill with colorful enamel glaze with sag of decorative pattern, kiln roasting; Because of the condensation of enamel glaze will shrink after roasting, so fill in glaze, roasting process need to be repeated many times, to make the enamel glaze completely fully filled in wire inlay concave position; Burn well, and then to polished, gold-plated and so on process can become useful. It is due to the complexity of wire inlay enamel craft, strict technical requirements, the reasons of high cost, therefore, from the date of its birth in China, was the royal monopoly, cabinet of palace, for a long time to be exclusive to the royal and rich nobles.

エナメルは、粉状のガラスの材料で、石英、長石、ホウ砂、磁器の土を原料にして、金属の酸化物を着色料にし、粉々に粉砕し、溶融して「エナメル」と呼ばれています。エナメル器は、エナメルを异なった加工プロセスで金、银や铜子の表面に固させ、焼き付けをした后に作られています。その制作方法によって、エナメルは、摘糸のエナメル、エナメルのエナメル(内接用のエナメル)、エナメルの三大种に分けられています。エナメルは、金属の丈夫さ、ガラスの滑らか性、そして磁器の耐食性と宝石の富貴な気質を持っており、実用と芸術が調和を成した工芸美術品の一つである。糸目のエナメル、胎内のエナメル、絵のエナメルを描き、それぞれの時期に韓国では登場した。「景泰青」と呼ばれる「景泰青」と呼ばれている。西暦11世紀には、中東のアラブ人たちが、摘んでのエナメルを使用していた。13- 14世纪に、首を絞めてエナメル工芸が中国に伝わった。珐琅工芸は舶来品だが、一度中国に伝わったのは、すなわち、韓国伝統の金属工芸、製造プロセスが有機的にちりばめ一つ、心に器用の中国职人絞め糸珐琅の製造技術を掌握したが、すぐに制の珐琅器造形、図案などは完全に民主化の外来文化の影响と迹も残さずまで。





