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时间:2017-12-11 13:48:45   作者:八仙过海福禄寿摆件   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:1631   评论:0
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八仙过海福禄寿摆件     此藏品为广东 游女士先生祖传所藏有。
The turtle, known as the pride of China, with the same column as the great dragon, is a symbol of auspiciousness, great order, so as to stand on top of the temple, and the gods of heaven and earth to share the world at the same time, an array of ancestors worship; the ancients and the turtle Chongxin beast, as auspicious beast, said it can know the fate of the provision of evil, will as to bring good luck, wealth and well-being of the big treasure, works has always been people's esteem and welcome, is worthy of collection of traditional art. This longevity turtle turtle life to The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea ornaments, as the main body of four volt image, turtle turtle, turtle head and tail cover each one before and after the echo, the two legs covered the small turtle turtle fell only about a complement, meaning four to fortune, the turtle cover felicitous wish of making money, right and left sides moment the "long" and "Shou" two words engraved on the right and left branch within the basket. The shell in a large Peach-Shaped Mantou, surrounded by eight stereo view of the statue, the eight immortals, vivid natural gestures, happy and pleased with oneself, talk with eloquence, it really happy in good out of a bandbox. The base has ornaments "Da Ming Xuande years" inscription, is a typical China traditional culture art, folk worship Taoist immortals, it is said that eight articles Xiantao, a thousand year old turtle for the Queen's birthday, highlighting the master respected position, with two small turtle turtle, which is long, multi sub christopher. This longevity turtle conceived from The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea ornaments, vivid, auspicious characters are carving, vivid, true to life, an important material, is of great value to the collection. The implied meaning of the decoration is evil is a good fortune, a great treasure, a symbol of the family to enjoy the Millennium collectors longevity Tivoli italy! In ancient times, known as the "four" of the dragon and Phoenix, there are virtual animal, the myth does not exist, only the tortoise is the only close relationship with human nature, the real animal, but also all the animal life of longevity. Common folk "turtle age Crane", "have a long", to describe the human longevity. According to the ancient days of old turtle life to this point, which brought up the long experience, experience, so it can know the future spiritual. "Historical records, turtle biography" records: "Yuan Wang said: the turtle spirit, drop in large." Therefore it has the sagacity to foresee the future, say, human turtles know know good and bad, can act as a medium between God and man of faith, which has become the ancestors worship gods of primitive religion in China -- animal turtle. In the history of our country, the tortoise has been widely adoration. The tortoise and the city, and was once the throne, currency, names, mountains and so on closely together, have a glorious history of a prominent. In the ancient imperial palace, the courtyard and the mausoleum, a stone or copper turtle, to symbolize the fortunes of the old. The tortoise has been praised as the God of the world, with the divine nature of knowing the destiny and the future, and the collection of the tortoise is also popular and sought after by the Tibetan enthusiasts.





