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时间:2017-04-12 17:03:59   作者:13023171999   来源:容艺网   阅读:5740   评论:0
Is a kind of nourishing the penises of Chinese herbal medicines, general refers to the penis and testicles of feline animal drying. The main efficacy of Warming Yang and tonifying the kidney. For any failure less, Yaoxisuanruan, impotence, scrofula etc..
Long cylindrical body, about 18cm long, 1.5~2.5cm diameter, gray brown, opaque. The cone, the top is round, in the lower part of a small protrusion or fine sand like milk barb, touch of a rough feeling. Outside the glans foreskin or foreskin turn up, there is a short cut penis bone, urethral mouth was Y. There is a pair of testicles on both sides of the penis, with a diameter of 3~4cm. The tiger is a national animal protection, it is difficult to see the penis.
For China traditional culture, or they are scanty, there are a lot of Chinese about traditional culture and idioms such as "tiger", "full of vigor and vitality", "tiger", "hungry tiger escape sheep", "hungry tiger hunger Eagle" and "Longfeihutiao" and "," tigers a terrain of strategic importance "Dragons", "wolf", "look at fiercely as a tiger does", "etc., these idioms talented men still remained in concealment", gives a very powerful, very domineering feeling.
According to the report, the WWF tiger survival project leader Mike Balze to save the endangered wild animal of the cat family praised Beijing's efforts, and said: "Chinese do a lot, but (of tiger bones and organs etc.) demand is so great, that it is difficult to solve this problem." "There is such a cultural concept among the rich in China," he said. You can't change this idea overnight." "It takes a long time to solve the problem," he said. "It is too late to save the tiger." According to the International Union for conservation of nature, decades of smuggling and destruction of habitat has led to a reduction in the number of wild tigers in the world from around 100 thousand in a century ago to about 3000. Long bones are a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, it can keep fit. The animals were hunted for their fur and genitals. On the black market, a tiger to sell for $16 thousand, according to the letter and penises can enhance male sexual function.东北虎虎鞭            东北虎虎鞭



