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时间:2018-04-02 11:12:55   作者:华羲文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:19526   评论:0
此枚广东省造光绪元宝库库平一两钱面:珠圈中满汉文“光绪元宝”四字,圈外上环“广东省造”,下环“库库平一两”。钱背:中心为蟠龙图案,上下环英文:KWANG-TUNG PROVINCE(广东省造)藏品品相精致,其审美风格独持,钱币正面鲜然可见满汉文化的融合,而钱背却明确标示了西方文化的介入。  钱币虽小,也可管窥社会文化一斑。其包浆入骨,熟旧自然,深打字口清楚,流通痕迹明显,边齿过关,龙鳞清晰,具有极高的投资价值和收藏价值。它有着历史熏陶,是价值很高的革命文物,具有深远的历史纪念意义;同时还是考古和研究中国历史文化难得的实物。
One of the currencies circulating in the qing dynasty. It was first introduced by the governor zhang zhidong to cast silver and copper COINS of the British mint, and then the provinces followed suit. A total of 19 provincial bureaus have been cast, except for the central department, and the local provinces have made copper COINS, all of which have the name of the province on the front.
The guangxu yuan treasure house in guangdong province is divided into four cents, four cents on the dollar: the "guangxu yuanbao" in the pearl circle, and "made in guangdong province" outside the ring, and the lower ring "a quarter of a quarter of the money". Money back: center for coil dragon design, top and bottom ring English: KWANG TUNG - PROVINCE (guangdong PROVINCE) collection appearance delicate, its aesthetic style, is uniquely coin positive bright however, the fusion of Chinese culture is full, and the money back is clearly marked by the intervention of western culture. Although COINS are small, they can also see the social culture. Its pulp is in the bone, familiar with the old nature, the deep type of the mouth is clear, the circulation trace is clear, the side teeth pass, the dragon scale is clear, has the extremely high investment value and the collection value. It has a historical influence, is a valuable revolutionary cultural relic, has a far-reaching historical significance; At the same time, it is a rare object of archaeology and research on Chinese history and culture.

同広东省造りの光绪元の宝库は4分4分4分间の金のように、珠圏の中には満达の「光绪元宝」の四字、圏外に「広东省造」、次の轮「お金持ちは四分四分」となっています。金の背:中心は竜の模様をして、上下の英語:kwang-tung province(広东省造)の所蔵品は精巧で、その美のスタイルは独持、金币は表面的には汉文化の融合を见て、お金の背は西洋の文化の介入を明确に表示しています。金の貨幣は小さいが,社会文化の一端をのぞき見てもよい。その鞄は骨にのり、古くなった自然、深いタイプのタイプがはっきりして、流通の迹は明らかで、歯の中を通って、竜のうろこが明确に、非常に高い投资価値とコレクションの価値を持っています。それは歴史の薫陶を持っていて、とても価値の高い革命文物であり、深い歴史記念の意義を持っている中国の歴史文化や中国の歴史文化を研究しています。



