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时间:2017-12-25 14:02:39   作者:鸣熙文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:4289   评论:0
四川卢比竖花版铸量多,曾广为流通,现为钱币市场上常见的品种,而横花版铸量少,较为少见。据相关资料统计,1/2卢比铸造量约为13万枚,1/4卢比铸造量约为12万枚,这两种辅币的存世量少,甚为罕见。At the end of nineteenth Century, the British Empire forces invaded Tibet area China, British currency India rupee also circulation to Tibet and Sichuan, Yunnan province gradually infiltration, a situation that the local authorities uneasy. Thirty-one years Guangxu (1905 November 29th), the governor of Sichuan, Xi Liang played in court, the Chinese silver casting modeled on the India rupee, to boycott the India rupee and the charge accumulation rates. The Qing government for its proposals very seriously, the Ministry of Finance in December 24th in the encyclical on playing. In charge of finance department minister Yi Li and Zunzhi on complex Xi Liang Memorial, Sichuan silver Bureau agreed in imitation of India new style casting silver rupees, and the manufacturing process and regional puts forward special requirements. The silver coin of the imitation cast is on the front of the Emperor Guangxu. The back is cast with the words "made in Sichuan province", surrounded by the ornamentation of the vine branches and flowers. Because the design pattern, diameter and weight of the coin are similar to the rupee in India, the name of the "Sichuan rupee" is called. The denominations of 1 rupees (about 30 mm in diameter, weighing about 11.4 grams), 1/2 rupees (about 23.5 mm in diameter, weighing about 5.8 grams), 1/4 rupees (about 19 mm in diameter, weighing about 2.8 grams), Ji Heqing two points, a flat silver three money money six points and eight points.
Thirty-three years of Guangxu, Xi Liang left office, Zhao Erfeng for the local toast rebellion in order to work, once the governor of Sichuan. The following year, he was promoted to Ambans and Sichuan and Yunnan Besar in tachienlu unmanning, is set to change the Kangding government, to strengthen the control of xikang. Subsequently, Zhao Erfeng in the Chengdu mint with the new machine start mass cast replica of the India rupee shaped silver standard sample, and the rapid implementation of marketing to Tibet area is used as the standard currency in circulation.  Because of its pure silver, full value, weight, exquisite workmanship, welcomed by the local business people, known as "Zhao Erfeng money".
The new silver Sichuan rupee foreign things serve China, distinctive, is the earliest China is the only emperor's head with the circulation of silver, with far-reaching historical significance. The front side of the head of Qing Emperor Guangxu, hanging down behind a braid; clothing collar to collar, and without distinction. Silver back in accordance with satmentosum floral decoration around the India rupee, Chinese Sichuan province "made" four words is on the right and left aligned, rice shaped floral center has approximately horizontal and vertical two formats.
The Sichuan rupee vertical floral version is widely circulated and is now widely circulated. It is now a common variety in the coin market, while the volume of the cross flower is rare. According to statistics, the amount of about 130 thousand rupees 1/2 casting, casting 1/4 rupees was about 120 thousand, the amount of surviving the two coins, rare.じゅうく世紀末、英帝国の勢力に絶えず侵入中国チベット地区、英属殖民地の通貨インドルピーも次に流通チベットへ徐々に浸透川、雲南省令など、この局面清朝当局極度の不安。光緒三十一年(1905年)じゅういち月29日、四川総督錫良上奏朝廷をまねて、鋳造インドルピーの漢文銀貨、ボイコットしインドルピー充発チベットの賃金。その提案はとても清は重視して、じゅうに月24日財政処、戸部奉諭吉の奏。財政部担当大臣になるなどの復遵旨;錫良上奏文後、合意四川銀貨局模造インドルピー仕様鋳造新式銀貨し、制造プロセス及び行で地域を特別な要求。まねる鋳の銀貨正面採用光緒皇帝の側面から、背面鋳「四川省造」と週囲に囲まれ、蔓枝花卉紋。その元の設計スタイルや径、重量などは皆とインドルピーに似ているため、「四川ルピー」の呼称。その額面それぞれいちルピー(直径さんじゅうmm、重さ約11 . 4グラム)、いち/にルピー(直径23 . 5 mm、重さは約5 . 8グラム)、いち/よんしよルピー(直径じゅうくmm、重さは約2 . 8グラム)、計合清庫平銀三钱2分、钱六分と八分。



