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时间:2018-04-22 17:50:57   作者:华羲文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:18375   评论:0

1953年9月26日,徐悲鸿因脑溢血病逝,享年58岁。按照徐悲鸿的愿望,夫人廖静文女士将他的作品1200余件,他一生节衣缩食收藏的唐、宋、元、明、清及近代著名书画家的作品1200余件,图书、画册、碑帖等1万余件, 全部捐献给国家
Xu beihong (1895-1953), han ethnic group, formerly known as Xu Shoukang, jiangsu yixing Qi yanting town people. China's modern painter, art educator. Have the French study, after returning from a long-term engaged in art education, has taught at national central university art institute of arts, department of Beijing university and Beijing YiZhuan. 1949 years later, dean of the central academy of fine arts. Good at figures, animals, birds and flowers, realism, especially promoting ren yi, the traditional emphasis on reform into the painting techniques, painting light, modelling, object of be particular about anatomy, bones, accurately, and emphasize the connotation of work, great impact on Chinese painting, and Zhang Shuqi LiuZiGu three people referred to as the \"jinling three jie\" of the painting. By the traditional Chinese painting colors HunCheng, especially in benma names in the world.

Known as the founder of Chinese modern art education development to the improvement of the traditional Chinese painting, based on the modern Chinese realism art, proposed under the background of modern Chinese painting of the decadent \"theory of traditional Chinese painting improvement\".

On September 26, 1953, xu beihong, died of cerebral haemorrhage at age 58. According to the desire of xu beihong, Mrs Liao Jingwen woman more than 1200 for his work, his life through collection of tang, song, yuan, Ming and qing, and modern home more than 1200, the works of famous books, picture albums, and fell more than 10000 items, all donated to the country
徐悲鴻(1895 ~ 1953年)、漢族、本名は徐寿康、江蘇宜興市の「チャジョン」町。中国現代画家、美術教育家。フランスに留学していて、帰国后长期にわたって美術教育をしており、国立中央大学芸术系、北平大学芸术学院、北平芸専业に教えていた。1949年、中央美術院長に就任した。得意の人物、獣や花鳥、現実主義を主張し、尤伝任伯年強調し、おだてる菊改革溶け込み、作画最初技法を主張し、光、造形さった対象の解剖構造、骨格の正確な把握を強調し、作品の思想の内包が、当時中国画壇影響と三人、张书旗、柳子谷と呼ばれる11画壇の「ジャ」三。国画カラーの墨画ができて,かならず奔馬で有名になった。






