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时间:2019-10-22 15:37:14   作者:永初文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:372   评论:0
内容摘要: 王宝玺,著名书画家,字旭光,号闲云野鹤,1946年8月出生于山东武城,六十年代赴苏联莫斯科艺术学院油画专业学习。现为工艺美术师,中国国家书法家协会副主席,中国国家美术家协会副主席,中国书法家协会理事,中华全国书画家联合会常务主席。 王宝玺先生从事书画艺术工作,擅长人体绘画及书法......

Wang Baoxi a famous calligrapher and painter was born in Wucheng Shandong Province in August 1946. In the 1960s he went to Moscow Institute of art to study oil painting. He is now a craftsman vice chairman of China National Calligrapher Association vice chairman of China National Artist Association director of China Calligrapher Association and executive chairman of China National calligrapher and painter Federation.           
Mr. Wang Baoxi is engaged in painting and calligraphy. He is good at human body painting and calligraphy. He studies the theory of Chinese and Western painting. His oil paintings have won the first prize of national science and Art Exhibition for many times. He has integrated Chinese and Western painting art with modern calligraphy art to form his own unique artistic style. Some people have commented on his calligraphy: "inkstone pool is drunk with the wind and the sky is dancing and the sea of ink surprises the dragon. The peak of art industry bears the trend of greatness and Xiaoyao writes about spring and autumn. He wrote a huge "return" in the background of the Hong Kong return celebration conference which was commented by the outside world: "grieved for several times of tears and my mother yunya is looking forward to the return of her son. It's a wise day. The wind blows and the rain blows. " It is from the knot of the word "Gui" that the profound historical accumulation and the blood and kinship of Hong Kong's return to the motherland are read out. Many of his works have been widely spread to Japan South Korea Singapore Taiwan and other countries and regions and collected by people at home and abroad making positive contributions to China's foreign friendly exchanges and cultural and artistic exchanges.




