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时间:2020-08-20 16:00:50   作者:郑古文藏   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:543   评论:0
内容摘要: 《大明盛世图》长430cm,宽29cm,题跋《大明盛世》,落款袁江。大明盛世图是影响中国画坛六百年的一幅绝佳长卷,作者是明朝宫廷画师戴进(假名袁江)。戴进是浙江画派公认的第一代开山祖师,曾经担任明宣宗皇家宫廷画师。书画卷共有五部分组成,是古代书画中的绝品佳作,价值不菲。 这幅画......

《大明盛世图》长430cm,宽29cm,题跋《大明盛世》,落款袁江。大明盛世图是影响中国画坛六百年的一幅绝佳长卷,作者是明朝宫廷画师戴进(假名袁江)。戴进是浙江画派公认的第一代开山祖师,曾经担任明宣宗皇家宫廷画师。书画卷共有五部分组成,是古代书画中的绝品佳作,价值不菲。 这幅画的主要内容是:公元1433年,以南京夫子庙为中心的明朝秦淮风光。画卷上明代夫子庙、大成殿、天下文枢、文德桥、贡院等景观历历在目;其笔法精奇细密,画面上五百二十多位明代人物,皇帝、皇后、太子、皇子等以及明朝其他皇族,社会各界军民百姓,人物栩栩如生,秦淮河畔熙熙攘攘热热闹闹,好一幅大明太平盛世图。 画上方有行书介绍作者及此画的画镜,行书与画卷同始终。运笔松劲有度,字体如龙飞腾,似凤飞舞,仿若行云流水一般,极具观赏性。卷尾有清朝光绪九年翁同龢行书评,其当时任工部尚书充军机大臣。行书评价如下:余阅此图实为少见之珍品明代戴进之笔师出马远其笔法精细绝非一般画工所比喻宜以选入神品。由此可见,其评价非常之高,实为画中精品之作。中国的书画收藏历史悠久,书画作为一种陶冶情操的精神文化产物,可以极大的提高投资者的艺术修养和欣赏能力,具有很高的收藏与鉴赏价值。随着艺术品市场的兴起,中国的书画市场一片繁荣,未来行情看好,收藏前景非常可观。此幅《大明盛世图》绘画精美,工笔细腻,姿态真切生动,浑厚朴实,画意鲜明,意境深长,具有相当不错的收藏价值,未来的投资前景和升值潜力都非常巨大!
"The picture of the flourishing age of the Ming Dynasty" is 430 cm long and 29 cm wide. The inscription and postscript "the flourishing age of the Ming Dynasty" is inscribed in Yuan Jiang. The painting of the flourishing age of the Ming Dynasty is an excellent long scroll that has influenced the Chinese painting circle for 600 years. The author is Dai Jin the court painter of the Ming Dynasty (pseudonym: Yuan Jiang). Dai Jin is recognized as the first founder of Zhejiang painting school. He was once the painter of Xuanzong royal court in Ming Dynasty. The painting and calligraphy volume is composed of five parts. It is a masterpiece of ancient calligraphy and painting and it is of great value. The main content of this painting is: in 1433 ad the Ming Dynasty Qinhuai scenery centered on Confucius Temple in Nanjing. On the painting scroll the Ming Dynasty Confucius Temple Dacheng hall Tianxia Wenshu wendeqiao Gongyuan and other landscapes can be seen clearly. The painting is exquisite and meticulous. There are more than 520 Ming Dynasty figures including the emperor Queen Prince Prince and other royal families of the Ming Dynasty. The people and people from all walks of life are lifelike. The Qinhuai River is bustling and bustling which is a good picture of the peace and prosperity of the Ming Dynasty. At the top of the painting there is a running script to introduce the author and the painting mirror of the painting. The strokes are loose and the characters are flying like dragons and phoenixes. They are very ornamental. At the end of the volume there was a Book Review in the ninth year of Guangxu reign of Weng Tonghe of the Qing Dynasty. At that time he was the Minister of the Ministry of industry. The evaluation of running script is as follows: I read this picture is a rare treasure. In the Ming Dynasty Dai Jinzhi's brushwork was out of the ordinary painter's analogy. It should be selected as a masterpiece. It can be seen from this that his evaluation is very high which is actually a masterpiece in the painting. Chinese calligraphy and painting collection has a long history. As a spiritual and cultural product of edifying sentiment calligraphy and painting can greatly improve the art cultivation and appreciation ability of investors and have high collection and appreciation value. With the rise of the art market China's calligraphy and painting market is booming the future market is good the collection prospect is very considerable. This painting of the flourishing age of the Ming Dynasty is exquisite in painting exquisite in fine brushwork vivid in posture simple in nature vivid in meaning and deep in artistic conception. It has quite good collection value and has great investment prospect and appreciation potential in the future!
「大明盛世図」の長さは430 cmで、幅は29 cmです。大明盛世図は中国の画壇に影響を与えた六百年の絶景の長巻で、作者は明朝の宮廷絵師戴進(仮名袁江)です。戴進は浙江画派公認の初代開山祖師で、かつて明宣宗の宮廷絵師を務めました。本の絵巻は全部で5つの部分から構成されています。古代の書画の中の絶品の佳作です。価値は高くないです。この絵の主な内容は紀元1433年、南京夫子廟を中心とした明朝の秦淮風景です。絵巻の上で明代夫子廟、大成殿、天下文枢、文徳橋、貢院などの景観が歴然としています。その筆法は非常に細かくて、画面の上で五百二十数名の明代の人物が描かれています。絵の上に行書の紹介者とこの絵の鏡があります。行書は絵巻と同じです。運筆は力が強く、字は龍のように飛び、鳳のように飛び、まるで行雲流水のように、非常に観賞性があります。巻末には清の翁同龢光緒九年の書評があり、当時は工部尚書充軍機大臣を務めていた。行書は次のように評価されています。この絵を読むと珍しいものです。明代の戴進の筆師、出馬遠の筆法は決して一般的な画工ではないです。このように、その評価は非常に高く、まさに絵の中の逸品である。中国の書画収集は歴史が悠久で、書画は情操を陶冶する精神文化の産物として、投資家の芸術教養と鑑賞能力を大幅に高められ、高い収集と鑑賞価値があります。芸術品市場の台頭に伴って、中国の書画市場は繁栄しています。未来の市況は明るいです。収集の見通しはとても素晴らしいです。この「大明盛世図」は絵画が精巧で、細やかで、姿がはっきりしていて、重厚で質素で、画意が鮮明で、境地が深くて、相当なコレクション価値があります。




